Chapter 7: Samantha's Great Rescue

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Based on Turn of the Rogue

Third person's POV

The X-men were on a mission and Shadowcat phases through the ground behind the security guard and sprays him with something that causes him to pass out.

"North perimeter secure," Shadowcat said into a walkie-talkie that connected to the other.

Spyke then gets his spikes out just in case and sprays him with the same stuff.

"This guy catching some z's uh I mean South perimeter secure," Spyke said back as he took the guard out.

"Okay make it a clean recuse," Cyclops said through the device.

"JEAN!" Cyclops said as Nightcrawler teleported them into the building but in the air and they both started to fall.

"Sorry you guys are heavy," Jean said as she caught them but struggled to hold them.

"Storm, Storm! She's out." Cyclops said as he shot a few times to try and shoot the chains but missed.

"Nice aim," Nightcrawler said as Cyclops finally hit the chain causing it to break.

"Which one of you idiots has been putting on weight?" I can hardly hold you." Jean said as she struggled to keep her hold on them.

"It's Nightcrawler burgers seven days a week will do that to ya," Cyclops said accusingly as someone started sneaking up on Jean.

"Hey!" one of the guards said and it startled Jean and she let go of them. And they hit the red beams causing the alarms to go off.

"Let's grab her and port out of here!" Cyclops said they stood back up.

"Gotcha!" Rogue said as she grabbed his face and got his powers and shot Nightcrawler.

"Hold it, hold it! Stop the simulation." Cyclops said as Rogue then limp and eyes shut as Xavier, Logan, Shadowcat, and Spyke walked into the room.

"Scott you are never to stop a simulation unless you are hurt!" Xaviar said as he got closer.

"Trust me that hurt," Nightcrawler said as he stood up.

"Why Rogue in this markup she was not a part of the briefing," Cyclops said angrily at the professor.

"Simply the element of surprise. It's part of life so you sure expect it on every exercise." Xaviar explained to Scott. "Well, we're finished better get to school." He said exiting the room.

"Come on Jean we got to help load for the field trip," Cyclops said exiting the room with jean following close behind him.


Samatha's POV

I was walking down the hall to meet up with the Geology Club. Normally you have to be a year older to get into the club but my mom being the principal and having a good IQ. I was able to join the club.

"To be honest I don't enjoy the club as much as I use to the person in charge makes it so boring." I thought.

While I was walking passing my mom's office I heard talking.

"Magneto, this is a surprise," Mom said

"Rogue seems to be getting close to the X-men," Magneto said.

There was a long pause before mom spoke back up.

"Yeah, she has a class with some of them. They're bound to talk now and then, Mom replied.

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