Chapter 14: The Cauldron Pt.1

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A/N: One of the last chapters of season one. This book will be finished, and I will start season two in a separate book at least. That is the plan. But I might change my mind and have. It's all in one book. We'll see what happens once Season one is complete.


Third person's POV

"So all we gotta do is take out one of those X-Freaks, and then we can go to your space rock?" Toad asked Magneto. Samantha rolled her eyes and crossed her arms over her chest. Mystique had brought the group to an old building at the edge of Bayville, where they met Magneto. He told the teens about Asteroid M, and how that any mutant that bested one from the other team could join.

"If that is how your measly brain processes it, then yes."

"Does this apply to everyone, or do Pietro and Mystique get a free pass?" Lance asked, crossing his arms as Samantha did.

"No, " Magneto said. "It does not apply to everyone. The only person that doesn't need to prove her worth is Samantha." Everyone turned and looked at Samantha.

"Why do I get a free pass? If anything, my mom deserves it. She worked for you longer than anyone else, and risked so much just to help you. I refuse to take a free pass if my mom doesn't get one." Samantha said, confused and angry that he even said that.

"I know what you've been through. Pick on for just being different even before your appearance changed. You are a prime example of what I created Asteroid M for. But if you rather not take it just because you rather stick with your mother who has failed me so many times, then fine, " The boys looked at her in envy, and Mystique looked annoyed that he just called her a failure, and because the fact he thought Samantha her angel would accept a free pass.  Rogue looked surprised that she was offered a free pass. "You have two days to complete against the X-Men. Once one of you wins, you will be transported to the Asteroid. I'll see the winners there." Magneto turned and walked out of the building, leaving a group of jealous mutants with Samantha.

Most of the group gave her dirty looks as they walked out of the building. Kevin put his arm around Samantha.

"They're just jealous of you and your powers, Samantha."

"I don't see why it is not any different from mother's power, " She rolled her eyes.

"Your more gifted than you think, Sam, " he said. She rolled her eyes again.

"He right, my angel. Your gift for feeling emotions is impressive. Anyway, my angel, you're coming with me to fight, " Mystique said, walking over to Samantha and grabbing her hand. Samantha nodded and walked with her out of the building.

Scott and Jean drove through the mansion gates in Scott's bright red convertible after leaving school.

"Oh yeah!" Scott exclaimed as he jumped out of his car. "Let the weekend begin. Whoo-hoo!"

As he ran inside, Jean held up his backpack and yelled. "Wait! You're forgetting your homework!" Scott didn't seem to hear her and continued inside. Jean sighed and said. "Make that ignoring it." Jean climbed out of the car and started to head toward the mansion, but she stopped in her tracks when she heard the leaves rustling.

"Hello?" She said as a shadow figure jumped from the trees. "Kitty, are you climbing trees again?" Jean parted a bush and stepped through it to see who was there. "Even? Is that you?" She looked ahead to see a bush rustling, so she lifted her hand and used her telekinesis to lift the bush revealing Toad.

"Oh, so that's the way you wanna play, huh?" Toad asked as he leaped toward Jean. He grabbed a tree branch and landed in front of her.

"Toad, what are you doing?" Jean asked before Toad used the branch to knock her off her feet.

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