Chapter 12: Shadow Past

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Third person's POV

It was a dark and snowy night. Suddenly, the forest's silence was cut off by yelling as a woman with a brown cloak ran out of an old castle holding two newborn babies close to her chest, one in the right arm and the other in the left arm. A dark shadow of a man followed close behind as wolves gave chase to the poor woman running for her life. She ran through the deep snow, trying her best to stay ahead of the man and the wolves coming after her and her two children. But once at the bridge, the snarling wolves jumped at her as the man stayed back to watch the women try her best to protect her babies. She twisted and turned, trying to keep the small human away from the monster. But then, one wrong move, and the small baby on the left was dropped into the river below. At the same time, the other baby fell to the ground next to the wolves. The woman screamed; seeing her other baby fall into the river and hug the baby, she was able to keep from falling and began crying about her other child.

In Lucy and Kitty's room...

The other x-men run to Lucy and Kitty's room to see Kitty trying to calm Lucy down.

"What happened?" Scott asked.

"I don't know. I was dreaming, Lucy tells them. "Some kind of awful nightmare, with these images. It was horrible," She states.

"Yeah, her shrieking totally freaked me out. I about phased through the bed," Kitty said.

"Whoa, finals must be really getting to you," Scott said.

"No, it's not the first time," Lucy said firmly. "I've had this dream before. It started when I moved into the institute," She explains.

As Lucy spoke, Evan and Kurt, who were both half asleep, came walking into the room.

"What's going on, man? Are you guys okay?" Evan asked.

"Lucy's having creepy nightmares," Kitty said.

Whoa, what about?" Kurt asked.

"I'm not sure. There is a castle and wolves. Oh, that poor baby. I didn't really see his face, but I seemed to know him somehow," Lucy said as she looked at Kurt.

"What? Why are you looking at me like that? What's wrong?" Kurt asked.

"It was you!" Lucy shouted.

"What was me?" Kurt asked.

"Somehow. I just know... It was you, Kurt!" Lucy said.

"what are you talking about?" Kurt asked.

"In the dream, a baby was crying. But there was another baby I think was sleeping because that baby was very quiet and some woman, I think I didn't really see her face, was running and she... The baby crying was dropped into the river," Lucy explained.

"And you think that baby was me?" Kurt asked.

"Why am I having this dream?" Lucy asked.

"Maybe the professor can help us sort this out. But let's do it in the morning. It's pretty late," Jean said as she placed her hands on Lucy's shoulders.

"That's alright, Jean. This is important, Lucy and Kurt, please come to the library with Jean, and the rest of you try to get some sleep. In case you forgot, you all have finals tomorrow," Professor Xavier said as he used his powers to communicate with the others.

"Man, there's no keeping anything from that dude, is there?" Evan asked as the others headed for their bed while Jean, Kurt, and Rogue head for the library as Professor requested.


Meanwhile, at the Brother boarding house...

Samatha's POV

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