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                                2 years later
On ji left aang so aang went to Kyoshi island to live there and see what adventures held there.
Sokka and suki were waiting for aang.
Zuko and katara broke up again and katara did not expect aang to come but she was wondering did he come for her
Well aang went to Kyoshi island and his first stop was to sokka and suki and their kid and when he saw katara he did not even acknowledge her
            Katara- hi aang
            Sokka- hi aang
           Aang- hi sokka
           Suki- hey aang good to see you
           Aang- hey suki good to see you too
           Katara- I probably deserve the silent treatment right
Everyone nodded in agreement.
Toph then came to meet her best friends
Toph- hey twinkle toes
Aang- hey toph
Zein- hey aang good to see you
Aang- zein it is so great to see you too
Let's go out for lunch today
Everyone nodded in agreement later that day mai came and they all went to lunch and joked about fun times
And after that they went back to sokka and suki's house so after some times there they went back to their own tents
Then katara came in aang's tent
          Katara- aang have you forgiven me
           Aang- yes and I wish to forget
           Katara- aang I want to start again
            Aang- I am sorry katara but I cannot let you hurt me again
           Katara- I understand why you would say that
Then she went out crying and went to sokka and suki's tent and asked them to help her beg aang and she went to all her other friends who accepted.
The next day all of them started begging
              Everyone except aang- aang I think she learned her lesson please forgive her
             Aang- she hurt me too much I have forgiven her but I don't think I am going to get together with her
           Katara-what about the airbenders
           Aang holding tears back- then they will be no more I guess
And he walked out crying. Everyone looked at katara and started telling her that you broke him and you never deserved him.
          Toph- good job katara you broke you are the worst person in history
          Katara- I know toph why are you blaming me
           Toph- geez katara I wonder why you cheated on him twice and the first he said it will take a long time for to trust you and after he started trusting you. And you cheated on him again.
Then they stopped seeing aang and found out he ran away everyone was sad. Then they found katara kissing another random boy
            Sokka- no wonder aang does not trust you anymore
           Katara- it is not what you think
            Sokka- katara your kissing another boy
Then they left her and everybody was giving katara the cold shoulder
Katara- I probably deserve this right
Aang- go back to zuko
Everyone shocked at what aang said.
Katara- what did I do
Aang- geez katara maybe it wasn't you who cheated on me two times or maybe you have a twin. I cannot be in the same room with you any more
That night aang did not eat dinner, he went on appa to clear his head then he came back two days later to everyone worried. Then he went in the spirit world to meet hei bei then came back

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