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When Wren awoke, her mind was in a confused haze. She looked around the dark room in confusion, trying to piece together where she was. Upon remembering that she was in a guest room in Magnus Bane's apartment, she sat up in the extremely comfortable bed. A part of her wanted to lay back down and let sleep take her again but she fought that urge.

Instead, she clapped her hands twice, successfully turning the lights back on. She quickly readjusted to the brightness of the room before pulling the comforter back. She pushed herself to the edge of the bed, her feet dangling over the soft carpet before they settled onto the ground. She looked around and grabbed her phone.

It was still dark outside so she figured that she probably hadn't slept for long. Her phone was on the verge of dying so she put it on power saving mode. She'd have to inquire about a charger later on after all of this was over.

She pulled her sneakers back on before walking to the door. She pulled it open and walked out of the room and back out into the hallway, walking in the direction of the living room and sighing when she came out into it. As she looked around, she saw that Luke was no longer on the couch and Clary wasn't there. Jace, however, was sat in the living room.

"Hey, where's Luke and Clary?" She asked. Jace looked over at her as she walked up.

"In one of the guest bedrooms," he replied.

"Is Luke okay?" She asked next and he nodded.

"He's fine," the blond replied. Wren sighed in relief and nodded.

"Great, that's great," she muttered.

She took a seat in one of the chairs. "Did you, have a nice nap?" Jace questioned with a smug smile.

"Nope. Kept having dreams about demons trying to kill me," she answered honestly.

"Welcome to my reality," Jace said.

"How do you do it? Fight demons all the time. It must be exhausting," she said.

He shrugged, "I'm a Shadowhunter. It's what we're trained to do. I can't afford to get exhausted."

𝐏𝐄𝐑𝐈𝐋𝐎𝐔𝐒, shadowhuntersWhere stories live. Discover now