
20K 800 821

July 29 | Vegas

5:12 PM

Can I call?
Are you awake now?
Please reply if you're available

5:48 PM

Just went out of shower
What is it?
I'm going to work but I can make time for baby

Can I call?



I called him via Facetime, I wanna talk to him like this so I could see him even though I'm hurting so bad that he'd probably hate me and I'd see his disappointment.

He answered the call immediately and his face appeared in the screen, his lips were smiling while staring at me. I could see that he's ready for work, wearing a black button down shirt but hair is still damp. He was drying his hair with white towel, he stopped it after seconds of seeing me without a trace of smile as how I usually appear and he focused on me—his brows furrowed slightly with worry.

"Hi..." he greeted softly. "What's with the long face, baby?"

I blinked as my lips trembled and eyes started watering while looking at him, I couldn't help but close my eyes for a while before facing him again with too much guilt.

"H-Heidden, I'm so sorry," I cried quietly and shook my head slightly while my lips were trembling. "I'm so sorry, I didn't mean—no, I... damn!" my sobs resounded loudly in frustration and pain.

He stayed still while watching and listening to me, he looked calm as if he was waiting for some bomb.

"What is it?" he asked calmly that made my heart skip beats in nervous.

I looked at him while crying, I swallowed and breathed heavily. "L-Layne kissed me."

His lips pursed, eyes darkened and it blinded me to read him that hurt my heart more. He gently buttoned his dress shirt with a slight nod, he tilted his head and I could feel his eyes piercing through the screen.

"How was it?"

My forehead wrinkled, I bit my trembling lips and gasped heavily. I was shocked at his question that I couldn't answer.

He raised a brow. "Felt something special?"

I don't know why I feel so insulted and hurt at the same time but I'm not justifying what happened, it feels like I've never seen this side of him but I could see the madness in his dark eyes even with calmness.

Tears streamed down to my cheeks while staring at him, his eyes stayed on me for minutes and they softened a bit when I started sobbing.

"I'm so sorry, Heidden... I'm sorry..."

His eyes changed again but he closed it immediately for a while and he smiled a bit, it was a blank smile. "Do you need time? I'll give you that."

My heart twisted, I shook my head.

"I don't know what to say, I'm so sorry—"

"Did you kiss back?" he cut me off coldly.

I gasped and nodded. "I-I won't justify what happened, I won't defend myself but Heidden... please, forgive me."

His thick brows furrowed while looking at me.

"I'm in love with you, Millaray... but please, I don't wanna get drained by the same thing again. If you want that man, be with him and stop seeing me. Break the string now."

I cried while shaking my head as pain started getting too much. "Please, I will never talk to him again. Heidden... I'm sorry. I never wanted to hurt you—"

"But you are..." he chuckled blankly. "I can see that you're still confused and it's understandable, I'm also aware that he was with you throughout your battle and that was something deeper than what we've had."

My shoulders started shaking while I'm crying as my heart.

He groaned lowly. "Stop crying, I'll give you time to think about it. Spend more time with him so you can clear everything... let's do it this way, okay? Stop texting me and block me everywhere if you feel more better with him, I won't come back and you can continue with him."

I cried more, I bowed my head and covered my face with my palms.

He sighed gently. "Please, Millaray... do that."

I nodded a bit, I understood where he's coming from and I know that he got so hurt so many time—I don't wanna add more burden to his wounded heart, I need to make this up and get over everything while still early. This is for the three of us.

His eyes softened before he could end the call. I cried hardly on my palms.

Epistolary: TalkfestTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon