the avatar returns ‧₊˚ ✩

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"we have to go after that ship, sokka. aang saved our tribe; now we have to save him." katara and i walked nervously around, facing our brother.

"kazumi, i—"

"why can't you realize that he's on our side? if we don't help him, no one will. i know you don't like aang, but we owe him and i—" i started again.

"kazumi! katara! are you gonna talk all day or are you comin' with me?" he pointed to the boat.

"sokka!" we both ran up to him, giving him a hug.

"okay, enough family love. het in. we're going to save your boyfriend, kazumi" he helped katara into the boat. i just heard Katara giggle.

"he's not my—"

"whatever" he interrupted, putting his arms up in defence.

we were about to get in when we heard something coming up to us.

"what do you three think you're doing?" gran-gran said, folding her arms.

we all turned around and smiled innocent. please don't kill us

"you'll need these. you have a long journey ahead of you. it's been so long since i've had hope. but you brought it back to life, my lovely snowflake and my little water bender" she hugged katara and me "and you, my brave warrior, be nice to your sisters" then hugging sokka.

"yeah... okay, gran." he patted her back.

she turned around, facing all three of us. "aang is the avatar. he's the world's only chance. you three found him for a reason. now your destinies are intertwined with his."

as we watched gran-gran walk away, i saw katara turning back to the canoe.
"there's no way we're gonna catch a war ship with a canoe."

i looked around and saw appa. i ran up to him, giving him a big hug.

"you just love taking me out of my comfort zone, don't ya?" sokka complained.

"i hope aang's okay" I looked into the sky.

"okay, we don't have time for dreaming about your boyfriend, kazumi" sokka climbed up on appa's saddle.

"could you stop! he's not my boyfriend, for god's sake" i climbed onto appa, taking his reigns.

"but he will be"

"katara!" i shouted, just leaving them both laughing.

"let's go, appa!" i shaked his reigns and we walked towards the water.

we were swimming for a little bit and it was refreshing. but we really didn't have time for a little swimming session. we need to safe aang.

"go. fly. soar." sokka sighed.

"please, appa, we need your help. aang needs your help" i hugged him.

"up. ascend. elevate." sokka still trying, while kinda not trying.

"sokka doesn't believe you can fly, but katara and i do, appa." i petted him again "come on. don't you wanna save aang?"

we didn't have a choice. none of knew how to make appa fly. It's to late.

i looked into the sky, still hoping aang is safe.

"what was it that kid said? yee-ha? hup hup? wahoo? uh... yip yip?" sokka said unsure.

As aokka said the last words, appa began to grumble and flapped his tail into the water. he hopped along the water and with the last hop, he launched into the sky.

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