the spirit world ‧₊˚ ✩

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we were soaring through the sky on appa, between many clouds. i held out my hand to touch one cloud and my hand was wet.

"those clouds look so soft, don't they? like you could just jump down and you'd land in a big, soft cottony heap." katara looked at the clouds.

"maybe you should give it a try." sokka joked. well i could actually try it but not tryna reveal my secret rn.

"you're hilarious"

i looked at aang, seeing his head popping up "i'll try it! yeahhhh!"

i smiled at aang, jumping off appa, using his glider to glide through the clouds. after a few seconds, aang jumped back on Appa's saddle, soaking wet.

"turns out clouds are made of water!" he airbended himself dry. katara and sokka just look at him weirdly and i just shrugged.

"hey, what is that?" katara pointed at something far away. it was all burned.

"woah" was all i said.

"it's like a scar." sokka pointed out. i looked at aang, seeing the disappointment in his eyes. aang shaked appa's reigns, making him land. we all got off appa, now walking around.

"listen, it's so quiet. there's no life anywhere." sokka said, making us all sad.

i looked around. seeing aang being destroyed by what happened here. "aang, are you okay?"

"fire nation! those evil savages make me sick! they have no respect for –" i heard sokka ramble.


"what? i'm not allowed to be angry?" he whispered-shouted to us. i pointed at aang, that had sunk to his knees and ran his hands through the ground.

"why would anyone do this? how could i let this happen?" he started to speak.

"aang, you didn't let this happen. it has nothing to do with you." i tried to calm him down.

"yes it does. it's the avatar's job to protect nature. but, i don't know how to do my job." he still sounded angry.

"that's why we're going to the north pole to find you a teacher." katara said, supporting me.

"yeah, a waterbending teacher, but there's no one who can teach me how to be the avatar. monk gyatso said that avatar roku would help me. " aang told us, making us confused.

"the avatar before you? he died over a hundred years ago, how are you supposed to talk to him?" sokka asked, probably something we was all wondering about, even aang.

"i don't know" he sounded pretty sad again, making me frown.

momo jumped on aang back, who was kneeling at the ground again. i looked around, seeing a tons of acorns. i picked a few up, walking in aang's direction again.

"hey aang, are you ready to be cheered up?" i asked him.


i smirked, throwing the acorn at his head.

i smirked, throwing the acorn at his head

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