I Dont Do Drama

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I walked through the doors at the hospital and I smelt the sterile cleaning products. You think that you would get used to it, but you don't.

"Morning, El." Christopher said as I walked past him.

I rolled my eyes and stopped walking. I better play nice.

"Well good morning, Chris. How are you?" I said with a smile.

"I'm great. Let's walk and talk. I don't want you to be late."

Stopping myself from rolling my eyes, I kept walking. I know he only wanted to walk with me to claim his territory.

"Wow, thanks." I said as we continued to walk.

"So, I was thinking, would you wanna go out to a club with me this weekend?"

Turning to him, I saw that he was serious. I quickly looked him up and down. Tan, tall, sexy. It looked like he worked out often. He did have some dark brown hair with brown eyes, but I didn't know if this would even work out. I always heard that he liked me, but he never once talked to me.

"What club?" I asked as we rounded the corner towards the main desk where Chelsy was seated.

"Neo. It's on Clark Street."

I nodded and was seriously considering going with him.

"So what do you say, Miss Samuels?" Chris asked in a sexy voice.



My eyes shot towards the front desk to where Axel was standing.

"Axel? What are you doing here?" I asked.

"You didn't answer my calls last night. I thought you would have called me back."

"I was busy." I lied.

He nodded and then looked at Chris, sizing him up. He wasn't looking at me when he spoke next.

"So did you at least get my message?"

I nodded.

"I did and I don't know if I can do that... I don't honestly know if you're telling the truth."

He sighed and his eyes bore into mine.

"It's just dinner, Lauren."

"Hey, man. Get in line. I asked her on a date first."

I groaned. This is not happening right now. They are not going to fight in the middle of the hospital.

"Listen, dude. She was my friend before she even knew you existed. So back off!" Axel, growled.

"Woah! That's it. I'm not doing this now. I have work, and so do you, Chris. Get back to work. And Axel? Go back to your popular friends and leave me alone." I said as I walked to Chelsy's desk.

"Give me my first patient, please." I said.

"Woah, what's got your panties in a bunch?" She asked.

"Later." Was all I said before heading to my office.


"Do you want Dora or the Princess?" I asked Mya, the five year old who just received her shot.

"Princess, please." She said as I handed her the sticker.

"See you later, Mya." I said as she walked out the door waving.

I picked up my phone and dialed Chelsy.


"Send in the next one." I said while glancing at the clock.

5:57. My last patient before I get to go home and relax.

"Will do. And just don't hate me." She said before hanging up.

Hate her? I have no idea what she was talking about. Just then there was a knock on my door.

"Come in." I said as I pulled out the patients file.

Gains, Axel.

My eyes widened as I looked up to find him standing, with his arms crossed in front of him, at the foot of my desk.

"What in heaven's name are you doing here?" I asked annoyed.

"I needed to talk to you." He said and took a seat.

"And you had to file an appointment for that, why?"

"Because it's the only time you talk to me."

"Maybe take the hint and leave me alone." I spat at him.

"And leave you to be pressured into dating that douche-bag? As if."

"You shouldn't even care. You always hated me."

"Like Hell! I never hated you, Lauren."

"You bullied me throughout high school. I would hope you did it out of hate and not just for a past time."

"I never bullied you." He defended.

"You never stopped it either. That's just as bad."

He sighed.

"I know. And you don't think I felt like shit the whole time?" He probed.

"No! It was senior year and I thought tutoring you would let you see how I really was. And I got to see the real you. But it stopped as soon as I stopped tutoring you." I stopped and took a deep breath.

"But I thought you liked me?" He asked.

"I did. But I left all those feelings back in Texas, where I thought I left you." I said honestly.

"Don't do this, Laur..."

"Do what? You're the one who shows up here unexpectedly."

"Just give me a chance to explain myself." He begs.

I sighed.

"Fine. Come over tonight and we can talk." I said as I wrote down my address. I held it out to him, but didn't give it to him quite yet. "Bring pizza and pop."

He nodded and smiled.

"Meat lovers with Dr. Pepper." He said with a wink.

"How'd you..."

"I did listen to you, ya know." He said.

Nodding my head I gave him the piece of paper.

"Nine sharp." I said as he opened the door.

"I wouldn't dream of being late." He winked then left.

What have I just gotten myself into?

Never That Far **Finished** PrologueWhere stories live. Discover now