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I called off work today because I wanted to do somethings before tonight. Chelsy didn't take it well because she still had to go in.

"What do you mean you're not coming in today?"

"I have to get things done before tonight." I said as i got into my car.

"Like what?" She said.

"Get a puppy." I stated simply.

"A, what? A puppy?! awe, what kind?"

"i'm not sure yet, but keep your cell on and i'll send you a picture."

"Okay, have fun." She said and hung up.

I drove down the street a little until I hit Vincennes. I knew they had a pet store down town on that street.

"Playful Puppies" was on the left, so I had to swing in fast with all the city traffic. But it was so worth it because I had only been in the store for like three minutes when I fell in love.

He looked like a husky but I found out he was an Alaskan Malamute. He was the littlest one there, being only seven weeks old. He had beautiful blue eyes with his white and grey fur. I pointed right to him.

"I want that one." I said and the lady nodded.

"He's a cutie. So you want a personalized name tag for him?"

"Oh yes." I said as she handed me the puppy. "His name's going to be Jet." I said matter-of-factly as she finished up.

She handed me the silver collar that had a hint of green in it. His tag hung from it securely, and it was so cute, it looked like a dog bone. She also handed me a green leash and I bought dog food and a dog bowl. I was going to treat this puppy like he was my baby.


"You are the cutest puppy in the world, yes you are." I said as I played with Jet. I had sent a picture to Chelsy and now she wanted one. But she can barely take care of herself, so I told her she could always look after Jet. Only for a couple hours though.

I told her it wasn't as easy as she thought. I had spent the whole day running around getting dog stuff, like toys and treats. But Jet was so worth it. He followed me everywhere. He even sat in the bathroom as I took a shower. Perfect guard dog.

"Jet, up here." I said and patted the bed. He tried jumping but he couldn't quite get up high enough, so I picked him up.

"Now stay here while I get ready." I said and walked into my closet to find the perfect dress.

I threw on my little black dress. It seemed safe enough. It reached my mid thigh and had 3/4 sleeves with a shimmer to them. It was my favorite dress but I felt that it was lacking, so I curled my hair, lined my lips with red lipstick, and threw on some red pumps. I was so ready to go.

Jet barked and ran off the bed when the doorbell went off. I followed him to the door, grabbing my red clutch off end table as I left.

Opening the door I saw Garrett standing there in a button down white shirt, a red tie, and black chinos. Handsome.

He smiled at me. "My God, Lauren. You look so beautiful." He said and handed me the flowers.

I kissed his cheek. "Thank you. You look very handsome yourself." I said as I let him in.

Jet was sitting on the floor by my feet, but got up and started barking when Garrett came in.

"Jet, baby, quiet." I said and set the flowers down in a vase.

I picked Jet up and kissed his head, then filled up his doggy bowl with water and the other with kibble.

"Bye, baby, mommy loves you." I said as we went out the door.

"Your dog is adorable...does that make me sound gay?" He said and I laughed.

"No, and thank you. I just got him today." I said as we let the music take over the rest of the ride.

It was a nice quiet ride to the restaurant, and when we got there, everyone was there. Chelsy had her fingers laced around Derek's, and Axel and Sam were standing there awkwardly. Here comes the drama.

"Oh boy." I said as I squeezed Garrett's hand when I saw Chelsy walk up to us.

"Lauren Elizabeth Samuels what are they doing here?" She said in an irritated tone.

"I invited them, Chels, relax." I said and almost died when I saw Derek.

"Derek, this is my best friend and big time stalker of yours, Lauren." She said as she introduced us.

"Nice to meet you. I'm glad we still have some older fans." He joked.

"You guys literally saved my life back in high school. It was terrible, but you were always there, so thanks." I said sincerely.

"Anytime. I'm glad we were able to help you." He said with a smile.

"I'm glad too, because then I wouldn't have met this beautiful lady." He said and kissed my cheek.

I blushed and leaned into him more. There was no getting around the fact that i like him, and that he likes me."

"You two are so cute together!" Sam squealed in her accent. God I hate her, but I smiled anyways.

"I know, thanks." I said and grabbed Garrett's hand again.

"Time to eat, I'm starving. Let's go in." Chelsy said as she grabbed Derek's hand. So Jelly!!

After they started walking, Sam followed close behind as Axel caught my eye and stared blankly at me. I just smiled at him as Garrett led me past him and into the Skydeck.

Of course I sat next to Chelsy. (she was on my right) Garrett was on my left and Sam practically ran to the chair next to Garrett as Axel followed slowly behind.

After the waitress took our orders, Sam started to get annoying. She was all over Garrett like grease on pizza.

"So where are you from? I'm from Texas." She said as she turned fully towards him.

He cast a quick help-me-out-here look then grabbed my hand. I smiled.

"Sam, you're freaking him out." I said with a laugh. "Why don't you give your boyfriend the attention, kay?"

"I just don't see what he sees in you." She said with distaste.

"She's actually pretty amazing and majorly cool." He said with a laugh. "You should see her at work. It's hilarious."

"Oh, you haven't seen anything yet! Wait til the holidays. She runs around like a chicken with it's head cut off." Chelsy added.

"Ha ha." I said sarcastically.

"It's all in good fun, Lee." Garrett said as he kissed my cheek.

My eyes slightly widened and lock with Axel's. He had his eyes narrowed as he took out his phone and texted someone.

"Oh man, I have to go. It's an emergency." Axel said as he got up and left. Not without sending me a look.

I got my phone out and saw I had a new message. From Axel. Oh boy.

We really need to talk. I'll be over at 11. Make sure you're alone.

I quickly texted a simple "kay" and closed my phone. It's time to enjoy the dinner

Never That Far **Finished** PrologueWhere stories live. Discover now