Best Friends

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This one's short, but just be lucky i'm updating it! I JUST finished writing chapter six. but i'm not going to update this story for a while. I'm gonna try and get a new chapter up for the rest. Especially Forever Bound. Cause that one's winding down. I don't know what else they can possibly do now that they're together....then again, I could be mean and tear them apart again. MUAHAHAHA. we'll see (;

And thanks for reading this! I hope you like it as much as Skylight(:
- Sarah

"You have a date! Let me help pick your outfit!" Chelsy screamed as we were walking to my car.

I had just finished telling her what happened with Axel earlier.

"I'm not going out, so I don't need to dress up. Will you chill out? I'll let you help out with my outfit for the club."

"Wait, you're going to go to Neo with Chris?" She asked.

I shrugged.

"I don't see why not."

"You have Axel, Laur!" She shouted.

"I don't have him." I sighed. "We're just going to talk."

"And film a porno?" She asked.

I glared at her. Who would ask that kind of question?

"What? It'd be hot. I'd watch it."

"Ew, Chelsy!" I said as I climbed into my car. "I'm going home. I'll call you later and tell you how it goes, okay?"

She nodded and got into her car.

"Okay." She said then waved as I drove home to get ready for tonight.

Just talking.

Never That Far **Finished** PrologueWhere stories live. Discover now