Club Neo

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It's seven and Chris should be here any minute. So I ran to the mirror and looked over my outfit one last time.

My brown hair was in waves going down my back as my brown eyes were lightly lined with neutral and gold eyeliner. My bright red lips popped and matched perfectly with my red long sleeved mini dress. My favorite part, though, was the cheetah pumps. It made me look exotic. I hope this dress drives Axel wild.

I jumped and hurried to the door as the doorbell rang.I grabbed my purse and opened the door. Chris was standing there and he looked good. He was wearing a black button down shirt and light jeans.

"Hey." I said as I shut the door behind me.

"Ready to go?" He smiled.

"Ready." I said as we walked to his car.


We pulled up and parked. There was a lot of traffic on Clark because there was a big concert at the House of Blues tonight.

As we were walking in, Chris pulled me aside.

"Just remember you're mine. No dancing with other people. Got it?"

"It's a club! I was to dance. Relax." I said as we made our way in.

I scanned the crowd looking to see if I could see Axel or Chelsy, but I couldn't. Then I saw a blonde bob up and flare her hands. Chelsy. She stepped out so that I could see her, as boy could I. She was in a black mini skirt and a black belly shirt. Her hair was long and wispy and she had on orange lipstick. I smiled and she nodded her head and pointed.

My gaze flicked from her eyes, to the direction she pointed in. My breathing stopped as Axel's figure came into view. He wsa by the bar and he was wearing a tight fitted white button down shirt, and dark wash jeans. His hair was spiked a little in the front, and it made him look so good.

He smiled at me and I smirked at him as his eyes traveled over my body. I stiffled a laugh as I saw his eyes narrow.

"Who are you looking at?" Chris said in my ear, causing me to jump.

"No one. I was making sure I knew where the bathroom was."

"Sure, let's just go dance." He said as he pulled me onto the dance floor.

He grabbed my hips and made me dance. I tried to have fun, singing along with the music, but my eyes kept searching for Chelsy or Axel. And after about an hour, I needed to get away.

"I'm going to get a drink." I say as I detach myself from him.

"Okay. Do you want me to come with you?"

"No, that's okay." I said.

"Okay, have fun."

So I was elbowing myself through the crowd until I reached the bar.

"Can I have a water, please?"

"Sure thing." The bartender said as he brought out my drink.

I gulped it down as my eyes looked through the crowd for the millionth time. No sign of either of them...

"He's not buying your drink? Distasteful! What kind of date is this? You're in need of some serious southern charm." Axel said in his full accent.

"It's water." I looked over at him. "Have you been dancing?"

"No. I'm not into dancing." He paused and leaned in. "You look stunningly beautiful tonight."

I smiled and looked back into the crowd to see Chris coming.

"Incoming. Turn around so he doesn't see you." I say then turn around. "Hey."

"Man, it's terrible in there. I need a drink." He said and ordered a rum and coke.

"But you drove tonight. You can't drink."

"It's only one, Lauren. Relax. Let's go dance some more." He said after he finished his drink.

"I don't want to. I'm not having fun anymore."

"I can tell you what will make it more fun." He said while wiggling his eyebrows. "My place."

Axel growled lowly and stiffened.

"Uh, no. It's our first date. I'm going to go to the bathroom. I'll be right back." I said and started walking towards it.

I glanced back to see Chris ordering another drink and Axel was nowhere to be seen. So I turned around and ran into a body and their arms wrapped around me.

"He will kill us both if he sees this." I said in a warning voice.

"I told you to look ugly so I wouldn't be tempted to steal you. But you obviously didn't listen." Axel said.

"I thought you didn't dance."

"Only for you." He replied and pulled me closer.

We danced for about twenty minutes before Chelsy randomly popped up.

"Mayday, mayday! Abort the mission." She yelled, then ran away.

I twisted away from Axel and saw Chris stumbling over to me.

"I'll be close." Axel said before disappearing.


"Come here." He said and kissed me.

I quickly pushed him off and wiped my mouth. Alcohol.

He grabbed my waist and pulled me into the boys bathroom. I was trying to get my wrist free when he shoved me into a stall and locked it. Then his mouth was on mine and his hands were all over my body. I tried to get him to stop but he was strong for a drunk guy. And he worked fast. My dress was well above my waist and I couldn't pull it down.

How long before someone notices?!


I tried to pull away and did so after biting him. But there was nowhere to go because he was blocking the door.


The door was jingling as he tried to open it.

"Go away. I'm busy." Chris slurred.

"Let go of me, now." I said and slapped him.

It worked. He stopped and it got silent. The only thing I could hear was my breathing. Then his hand slapped me hard and I fell to the ground. There was a space between the stall and the floor. I crawled out from the stall.


"Oh God, Lauren. Let's get you out of here." He said and grabbed my hand and tugged me out the door.

The music hit me and I suddenly felt tired and dizzy. The events of that night were catching up with me.

"Hey, you're fine. Let me get you outside." I faintly heard Axel say.

"Okay." I breathed before falling unconscious.

Never That Far **Finished** PrologueWhere stories live. Discover now