A New Life

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I was absolutely astonished. There is no way, after all this time, that Axel could be standing in front of me and asking me to stay. We're supposed to be friends. How can he just think throwing out that sentence will change how I feel? Because quite frankly, all he did was make me angry.

"Excuse me?" I said as I raised my eyebrow slightly.

"Don't leave. Stay here, with me." He said and started to move towards me but I just shook my head and backed up towards my desk.

"No, i'm finally happy for once! Why can't you see that and just," I threw my hands up frantically. "be happy for me?" I said as I placed a finger on my phone to page Garrett.

He looked spooked a bit, but I wasn't having it. We had been fine for the last couple of months, acting civil and whatnot and now he busts in here.

Discretely, I look and see the button stopped flashing, which means Garrett has seen it. It's only a matter of time until we can leave here.

"Lauren you just can't leave!" he said in a far away voice. "I came all the way from Texas to see you and now you're just going to leave with some guy you barely know? Come on Lee. Why can't you see that I love you?"

The confession stung. That's the only thing I could say. The fact that he had come up to Chicago because of me was baffling. Hell we hardly talked in high school so I don't get why he was coming here to see me.

Just then, my door opened and in walked Garrett. He looked at me first, his frown deepening a bit as he took in the situation. Axel had straightened up once the door was opened and is not looking like a sane person.

"Laur, it's time to go, baby, are you ready?" He said as he crossed the floor and reached out for me.

I nodded and locked my arms around Garrett's waist, finding comfort in his scent and his warmth. Only a couple more weeks and i'll be gone.

"Actually, we were talking." Axel said, and I was surprised he'd say anything.

Garrett looked at me with a raised eyebrow, silently asking if this was true. I nodded but kept my arms around him. Sure, we were talking, but I was done. I don't want to be around him anymore.

"Can we just go home?" I mumbled into his body.

"Looks like she's done talking Axel. Maybe you can catch up later." He said in a very professional way as he threw his arm around my body and hugged me closer to him. He could probably feel how uncomfortable I was.

"I just need a couple more minutes with her, please?" Axel practically begged.

"Sorry, Ax." I said and pointed towards the door. It was hard letting people go, but maybe you were supposed to fall in love with someone, but not stay in love with them.

"Lauren..." He said, as the last chance plea to get me to listen, but I wasn't going to have it.

If you never let go of the past, you can't move on. Right now, I want nothing more than to move on from someone that keeps playing with my emotions. It's not fair, to any of us. Garrett deserves me to be completely into him, and I need to be able to let Axel go.

"Sorry, Axel." I say as I lock my office and walk out hand and hand with Garrett. It was time to end the chapter, and start a new one

Never That Far **Finished** PrologueWhere stories live. Discover now