Part 7

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Jungkook's POV

It was confusing.

I couldn't think straight.

It was probably due to the booze in my system, but right now, my head was a mess.

Looking around the deafening club that was packed with people, I tried to look for a certain girl, the one who brought me here in the first place.

And shockingly, the one that I found was another person.


What was he doing here?

Didn't he hate being in such crowded and noisy place like this?

Who am I kidding?

Of course Jimin would drink after the break up.

Didn't you remember how much he drank after failing his dancing test that one time? Even though he still passed the class, he was still sad, but at that time, you were there to pick him up and send him home.


Can it still be called home though?

It has been a long time since I properly looked at the the place that Jimin and I used to share.

It felt empty.

And probably too messy that I didn't even know if there'd be any monster hiding under those trashes and dirty clothes I threw around the house.

Taking another shot of drink, I looked back to the boy, who seemed to be alone at the end side of the table, only a few meters away from me. Standing up, I walked to the boy who looked clearly wasted from I don't know how much drink he took.

"Jimin," I called the smaller boy's name and shook his shoulder. Jimin looked up from his arms, that he used as pillow to lay his head on the table.

"Go away," he pushed my hand away from his shoulder, and I could see how horrible he looked with tears stains on his face.

I was to blame for that, I know.

"Jimin, get up. I'll send you home," despite not knowing his new address since there was no contact at all between us after the split, I was still worried about his safety and would rather bring him home than leave him knocked out here.

"You're not my home anymore," he rejected me while sniffling, I saw a new tear spilled from his eyes and I felt stabbed from his words.

I know that.

I know that we're not together anymore.

And I already have a new person in Jimin's place.

But why does it hurt so much?

My body was pulled away with a quite harsh tug from behind so suddenly, bringing me a few steps away from Jimin.

"What's your problem, man?!" I felt raged and ready to fight, but when I recognized the face of the person who ignored me and just walked past my body to get close to Jimin, questions popped up in my head.

"Jiminie?" the guy called Jimin's name like they had known each other since forever.

"Taehyungiieeee, you're back" it was hard to say how I felt at the difference in the reactions I got from Jimin when I called him.

Jimin smiled at this guy.

He used to smile at me.

"Yes, I'm sorry I leave you alone for too long. Let's go home now, okay?" I clenched my fists by my side as I saw the guy slipped his hand around Jimin's waist, supporting the smaller to stand.

"Taehyungie, I don't want to go home with Jungkookiee, I want to go back to yourrr hooommeee," Jimin slurred as he hugged the man's waist, and I frowned at how close they were.

Who is this guy?

"Of course, can you walk?" the guy questioned, trying to pull Jimin to the exit but then Jimin slipped, falling further into the man's arms.

"My head is spinning, Taetae" Jimin giggled in his drunken state, and I admitted I had longed to hear his giggles after a month not hearing it.

Is it really only a month?

"I'll carry you up," as he said it, the guy was quick to lift Jimin's small frame in his arms.

"Hold me tight, Taetae. I don't want to fall....fall hurts. It hurts a lot, on my butt and also my heart. I dont want to fall," through the noise of the songs blasting behind us, both of us heard clearly of Jimin's words and I felt small when the guy looked straight into my eyes.

He knew about me and Jimin.

Without a word exchanged between us, the guy left the scene quietly with Jimin secured in his arms, leaving me alone, standing frozen in the middle of the crowded club.

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