Part 22

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Jimin’s POV

Even before the break up, I always told myself that I should let Jungkook find his happiness if one day his happiness would no longer be me.

Although I knew that my happiness would always be him, I told myself that I shouldn't held onto him and set him free when the time comes.

It would be enough for me if I could love him even from afar, as long as he could be with the one he loved, by his side.

But I didn’t know that Jungkook would do that while we were still bounded by a relationship.

And I definitely didn't expect it would be the worst.

All this while, I had been telling myself that he won't go that far.

Maybe he'd have her in his mind all the time.

That's okay.

Maybe he'd make excuses to escape me just so that he could spend more time with her.

That's okay.

Maybe they'd share a few kisses behind me.


But, to sleep with her?

"Jimin," Jungkook called as he wiped the tears from his face, trying to scoot closer to me who was still seated on his chair.

"Don't come any closer, please" I pushed the chair away from him with my feet, colliding the back of the chair with his computer desk.

"I'm sorry," he apologized, new tears streaming his face but I couldn't bring myself to sympathized with his sad face.

Not when I was crying even harder than he did right now.

My hand strongly clutched my chest that felt like it was bursting as I tried to hold back my cries from being too loud. I didn't want our moms to hear us and be heartbroken due to this broken relationship of ours.

"H-How could you, Jungkook?" I stuttered between sobs, feeling my heart crushed into pieces at his confession.

I knew that I brought this to myself when I asked the question. But I didn't expect the answer to be worse than I expected.

"I'm sorry, I fucked up, I know. I'm sorry, Jimin. I really do," he repeatedly apologized again and again, but I just stared at him without having any answer to his apologies.

I knew now as of why was this pain so unbearable to me.

Even after more than a year had passed, hearing this from his mouth still gave me the pain similar to having a fresh bleeding wound in my heart due to two main reasons.

One was because I still love him.

And second was because...

"I trusted you,"


I was this crushed because I trusted the boy too much.

I placed such big trust on Jungkook, that to be betrayed this far by the boy had made me this wrecked as result.

I knew that his love for me had faded that time, but I didn't expect him to throw away the trust I gave to him out the window when he spent the night with the girl.

Shakily standing up, I walked towards the door, passing through Jungkook who was still kneeled as he looked at me.

"Jimin," he got up to stop me from leaving, but before he could make any contact with me, I raised my hand in front of him to halt his advance.

"One last question, Jungkook. And answer me with honesty too," I looked straight into his eyes, hands on the doorknob.

"Okay," he breathed out long, trying to regulate his sob before he prepared himself for my question.

"Did she knew about us?"

The way he looked down to his feet in shame as he gave his head a little shake broke me even more.

Oh god.

It's all on him.

I had wished that probably the girl would take part in seducing Jungkook to give in into her hand, but she was innocent. She's just a girl who was attracted to Jungkook, the boy who shared the same class as she was.

A new stream of tears made it way and rolled down my cheeks effortlessly, and I bit my lower lip from saying my disappointment to his face.

"Please don't follow me," turning the knob and opeing the door slightly, I stopped as he held my hand ever so gently.

"Jimin, I'm sorry. I'm sorry,"

Wiping my tears away and taking a deep breath to collect myself, I looked one last time to the taller male.

"Maybe I'm overreacting because this is such an old episode of us that had happened a long time ago, but it still hurts way too much, Jungkook," releasing my hand from his grip, I walked out the room, thankful that none of our moms saw me leaving the house.

Now I understand why he cried so desperately at the hotel.

Because of this.

He knew how much I trusted him, but he still betrayed it anyways.

Did he forget how I told him to be honest with his feelings?

Did he forget our promises to tell each other if we find another person in our lives?

Taehyung told me that Jungkook had been regretting a lot.

Thus, I had been planning to start over with him as friends, but that idea now seemed too farfetched after I came to know the truth.

Part of me glad that he was brave enough to be honest with me and didn't lie to my face. But part of me got crushed very badly by the facts as well.

What should I do now?

What can I do to lessen this stabbing pain?

Can we get back to normal?

If I go far away from him, will time heal everything?

Can we still greet each other if we meet one day?

To be honest right now, I don't know.

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