Part 15

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Jimin’s POV

"The fuck in the world happened here? Tornado? Earthquake? Are you practicing black magic and used the wrong spell, Jeon?" Taehyung nagged nonstop while he piggybacked the barely awake Jungkook into his bedroom, looking at the mess of the house I used to stay with Jungkook.

I was asked to send Jungkook by the lecturer since it slipped my mouth that I knew his address while we talked about his health that wasn't really improving even after the camp ended.

Jungkook was the type to very rarely fell sick but once he got it, it could go up to a week of sickness, making him very weak and usually bedridden.

The boy was asleep while I talked to the lecturer, thus leaving me with no excuse to reject the request. Fortunately Taehyung offered to send Jungkook back to his house, since he had a spare car parked in the school compound. Thanks to him, we were able to escape the hassle of finding cab and got to Jungkook's house in just fifteen minutes.

It was a disaster.

This place looked like a dumpster.

The only good thing was that it didn't smell as bad as a real dumpster. Yet.

Hearing Taehyung cursing and grumbling but still assisted the younger boy to the only bedroom in the house as he walked a few steps behind me, I realized that Taehyung acted very differently towards Jungkook compared to when he was with me.

It was kind of amusing to see that the same pretty lips of his which was always decorated with boxy smiles could be a straight line void of emotion. He was a lot more serious, and filled with sarcasm every time he was conversing with the boy, and I had to admit, I felt like having a protective brother who's constantly judging my ex.

His behavior was very entertaining nonetheless.

I cleared the bed by pushing away everything except for the pillow and the comforter, and Taehyung threw the boy like he was some rice sack into the middle of the bed.

Jungkook grunted in pain and held his head that I was sure would be ringing due to the impact, and I gasped, widening my eyes at Taehyung's cruelty in handling the sick guy.

"I can be a lot meaner," Taehyung shrugged his shoulder, throwing me his innocent smile and I just sighed.

"He might throw up, Tae. And if he did just that, I'll order you to clean it up," I scolded the boy and he pouted, acting sad.

"Sorry...can we go home now?" his apology was definitely insincere and he really eagerly looked like he wanted to leave the house in that second, not wanting to spend another minute being in the messy environment.

"No, I mean, you can go. I'll stay and tidy up this house a little," I decided, tucking Jungkook who was barely conscious under the comforter properly, ignoring the look given by Taehyung towards me.

"It's going to take you forever, Jiminie," he pouted for real now, and I gestured him to walk out the room, leaving Jungkook to rest without disturb.

"It's not. I'll be back before dinner, I promise," I told the taller boy, and he cutely glared at me as he bopped my nose with his long index finger.

"You better keep your words, or I'm not giving you any homemade ice cream this week," he gave out his threat, and I quickly brought his hand that was bopping my nose to my heart, begging not to be punished with no ice cream.

Taehyung's homemade ice cream was a desert made from heaven.

"Nooo, I promise. I can't live without your ice cream,"

"So you can live without me?" Taehyung pulled his hand away and crossed his arms in front of his chest, clicking his tongue at my words.

"I can't live without you too. Who's going to make me ice cream if not you, the greatest cook in my life?" I blinked fast, acting cute towards the boy, and he smirked as he flipped his tiny mullet, flattered by my compliment.

"Pshh, accepted. Be careful, okay? If he do something you don't like, you know where to kick," Taehyung was back to his usual self, without all the teasing and advised me genuinely.

"Gosh, Tae. He can't even move, I'll be fine," I assured him as I walked him to the front door, and Taehyung rolled his eyes at my words.

"You're tiny, Jimin. By carrying him just now, I know that that Jeon is way bigger than you and waaayyy heavier. How can you not get smashed flat when you guys have sex before?"


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