Conviction (Through the instruments)

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The power of instruments
He might be indifferent
She might just be physically present
My concentration might be inconsistent
But when the piano plays
When those chords dance,
It brings forth an excitement

The choir sings, their voices soft
The preacher preaches, his words hurt
But that harp,
With its mellifluous sound
Almost like a real voice
Entirely surrounds your soul
Then you know the Holy Spirit has been brought

A note, just one note brings you to your knees
Conviction is now your "feels"
The beat of the drums in symphony with your heartbeat
Those sharp sounds are more than captivating
They bring you to tears

The trumpet makes you see light,
Makes you see white,
It blows and everything else is background noise
The devil has no other choice,
He flees

These are the ways the Holy Spirit convicts
Ways He convinces
So when they say music is more than the sound, believe them
It's literally a spirit
And as with spirits, different ones exist.

Ever felt that before? When they play the instruments, may or may not be coupled with the choir, and it truly completely overwhelms you. You can share it in the comments section ❤.

With God's love,

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