Sweet Words

18 2 0

You'll be alright
You might look fragile
But you're strong inside
And if that doesn't work,
Hey, you've got the King of Kings by your side

This reminds me of a story
Of a kingdom so great and mighty
Because they had the Holies of Holies
That made other nations jealous
And three came together to form a rebellion
The king of the former grew aware
And ran to where he knew without a second to spare

"You'll be alright " He that was He said,
"You don't even need to feel challenged;
You've got me by your side".
Knowing he had a shield,
The king took the kingdom to the battlefield
Not with swords or clubs
But with trumpets, cymbals and drums

Suddenly, the nations that had come together
Began to conspire against one other
This led to a battle between partners
Two against one and one against one after
By the time the kingdom came,
They met dead bodies and spoils that could tame
Without even lifting a finger, they had become the sole winner

So again, smile
You'll be alright
With God's love,

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