A different face

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Are you,
Too ugly to meet true beauty
Too dirty to meet immaculate cleanliness
Too black to meet He whiter than snow
Too thirsty to meet the spring of living water
Too weak to meet the one without weakness
Too far to meet the Omnipresent
Too hungry to meet the living bread
Too ignorant to meet the Omniscient
Too wrong to meet the only Right one
Too faulty to meet the Heavenly mechanic
Too sick to meet the one who never gets ill
Too proud to meet the most humble
A wolf to meet the lamb?

But I tell you there is,
No anger He can't calm
No weakness He can't strengthen
No want He can't satisfy
No space He can't fill
No sickness He can't heal
No storm He can't still
No noise He can't silence
No confusion He can't clarify
No distance He can't close
No dirt He can't clean
No heart He can't intoxicate

So why don't you,
Free your mind so He occupies it
Let go so you can let Him
Drop sadness and let joy
Liberate and break chains
Leave want and let satisfaction
Give up sin and bring righteousness in
Not to be stale but with freshness, inhale

Lord, I want you here
The first and last, I need you here
Future and past, I love you here
Outside you, I have nowhere
With God's love,

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