Not an ordinary man

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Don't limit God!
Don't limit your mind!
Don't reduce yourself to an ordinary man
He believes that all he knows is all that is
That all that is is what he sees
Supernatural things happen
Spiritual things happen
The ordinary man would say it's impossible
It's just that his mind can't fathom it

Look at electricity,
Light from nothing
Two centuries back would you believe
That that could exist?
Substance from empty
Conjured by something

The solar system,
Sun and stars that implode and explode
The mystery of endless space that the ordinary man can't unfold
Void and stillness
Why then were you in confusal
When Jesus walked on water?
He just did what was true
But it seemed so new
Because it was more than what we knew
Like giving a 2 year old a quantum mechanics textbook
Mind you, we're the 2 year olds

Look, we've been given the understanding
We have this within our grasp
Only if we let Him in
We must not let this pass

You hear the northern lights
Beautiful streams of colours, whimsical, bright
Lava spewing from the earth
Clouds of frozen ice
So if I tell a mountain to move, shouldn't it?
If I pass through fire, I should live

"For God has not given us the spirit of fear,
Not of timidity
But of power, love and self discipline "
(2 Timothy 1:7)
A spirit of power, not of fear
A spirit that can make everything else appear
Accept Jesus and experience the inconceivable
"With ordinary man, this seems impossible
But with God all things are possible "
(Matthew 19:26)

With God's love,

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