Every gift of God must find expression

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Do Smooth melodies flow when you speak,
Or dancing makes you hit your peak?
Is your tongue laced with sugar,
That when you speak, people stutter

Does Michelangelo inspire you,
Or you admire van Gogh
Does cooking give you joy
Do stunts make you feel alive?

Whatever it is, do it
Like the Nike ad, "Just do it!"
However it is, show it
Every gift of God must find expression
Him giving you was the action
You showing it is the reaction
Don't let the master ask of you
What He had expected of you

There was a man, a master
Far far away,
He was travelling for a long time
But would be back someday

So he called his servants,
Three in number
And shared up his goods
Five talents to one, two to one
And one to another

While he was gone,
The one with five talents thought,
"How shall I make some more?"
So to the market he went
With all that he bore
He traded with same
And got double in return

The one with two talents did likewise
He traded the goods
In hope for a return
He wasn't disappointed
He got two more

The last, however, showed disdain
The one with the one talent
He went and hid the good
Deep down beneath the earth

Finally Someday came, bringing the master with it
"Show me your hardwork" He said to them
"Where is your profit?"

The servants that got profit came
They presented the gains
"Well done faithful servants" the master praised,
"You were hardworking and brave"

The last without profit came,
He also presented his one talent,
"You wicked and lazy servant,
Drop your talent and be locked away" the master said
"He that got ten talents
Yours with him will remain"
Because to him that takes care of much,
More is given
But to him careless with little,
The little is taken

Think well on these things
Don't let yourself stray
Let every gift find expression
In your heart, let it find a place to stay

With God's love,

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