Joy Unearthly

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"Peace that surpasses all understanding "
Joy unspeakable
Amidst the trials of life
Joy unexplainable

When the devil tries to pull you down,
He can't. Why?
Joy unreachable
Almost hit rock bottom?
You won't, you haven't.
Joy untouchable

Workload at neck-level? Remember,
Joy undrownable
They ask why you're still happy,
Joy undeniable

Your joy rubs off on others
Joy receivable
"Teach me how to be chill like you are!!"
Joy is shareable

Joy isn't happiness
Joy is not adjustable
Joy isn't when you get a gift
Joy is not categorizable
Joy isn't when you have no worries
Joy is not controllable
Joy is constant, good or bad times
"My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations "(James 1:2)
To be of God and not be joyful, now that, that is a crime
With God's love,

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