🍋Avdol x Reader (Part III )

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A/N: Hello my fellow crusaders! This will be the last part of Avdol's fluffiness and the long awaited unsweetened lemonade 👄🍋👄 ...

You went to sleep that night looking forward for tomorrow. If possible, you wanted to drag the time to morning already. 'Is this what everyone feels when inlove?'. Thus, you drifted off to dreamland with a smile plastered in your face.

The next day, you woke up and went to work earlier than schedule. Of course, that was because you wanted to see him first before heading for work. No one was there as family to visit him so you'll make sure he doesn't feel bad, though that would just be another made up excuse to see him.

You even found time to make some meticulously cooked and arranged bento for your beloved. Right now, you were walking towards his private ward and planned to surprise him. 'I bet you're still asleep'.

You slowly opened the door to not wake him up but the said patient wasn't in his bed. Again! 'This man, how could he wake up this early when he slept late last night? 'He's still a patient, did he forget?'

A part of your mind retorted. 'Who was the one that made him stay up last night? The one who visited without prior notice? '

'Okay fine, my fault'. You decided to stop arguing with yourself and just went inside, striding to the small table by the window.

Clacking of heels resounded across the silent room which was heard from the loo by Avdol. He was in there trying to freshen himself a little since he couldn't bath because of his head injury. 'This is not the nurse's, is it her? ' He wondered since he noticed twice that you preferred to wear flats rather than heels. Avdol looked at himself in the mirror and decided to come out.

'Was he inside? What's taking him so long? '. You went to the closed door and was about to stick your ears on it when it suddenly opened. You lost balance and tripped your heel causing a forward fall. But then a hard and warm arm caught you and stopped your immediate fall.

'Does he think I'm pervert? But I-I was- I'm- it wasn't my intention'. You were rambling in your mind but appeared to be in a shock with wide eyes on the outside. Avdol frowned and got a bit worried so he spoke, "Are you fine? "

Your eyes widened even more from his question. You quickly distanced yourself from him flushing into beet red. You nodded your head and avoided his eyes. 'He didn't find me weird, thank goodness'.

You faked a cough and nonetheless reasoned out, "Y-you took too long s-so I was planning to knock and I tr-tripped. I'm n-not used to th-these." Pointing your forefinger and lifting your foot on heels with emphasis. Avdol just stared at your flustered state and didn't comment any further.

Then you suddenly remembered the bento you made and a bright smile bloomed on your face. "Are you glad I'm here? I ma-" You didn't expect him to answer the former question with a serious "Yes".

The fading flush once again rose back to your cheeks with his bluntness. "I made a special bento, so is it okay if we eat it together? " You shyly added.

Instead of answering, his gaze went to the small table and he started walking there so you happily followed with a smile. Both of you were seated side by side because of your persistence.

You unwrapped the box and opened the lid. "I made vegetables since its healthier and some soup so you can easily digest them." The aroma of the dishes spreaded in the air.

"A spoon?" Avdol frowned at the spoon as if there's something wrong at it.

Your bright smile widened into a grin. "Yes since it's easier to use than chopsticks".

Jojo Men x Reader (😏fluffy and lemons😘) Where stories live. Discover now