🍋Jotaro x Reader (Part III)

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All your stormy thoughts and feelings gradually subsided when your head sunk in the pillow. This day had sucked up all your energy, and you immediately felt drowsy. You even put your guard down about the sleeping arrangement with Jotaro.

Totally oblivious, a thick arm embraced your waist and pulled you in a chest. The slight movement made you scrunch your nose but didn't wake you. You mumbled incoherent words and snugged closer to the warmth.

Jotaro watched your sleeping face with hooded eyes. Taking advantage of this close proximity, he placed a chaste kiss on your temple. "Good grief. You still love to snuggle when asleep." That night, you had the best sleep of your life.

Morning rays awakened you from dormant state. The first thought that came across your muddled head was - "Why is there a hard thing pressed on me." Your hand smoothly glided through the firm warm surface that was nice to the touch. "Having fun?"

'Wait this voice.' You sleepily blinked your lids only to focus on the tanned chest, then moving upward your breath stopped. Clear sea green eyes readily captured yours. Your heart raced as if chased by devils. Maybe this man with devilish looks that was putting you in a trance was responsible. 'Yes he is.'

His large hand gently pushed your jaw close that had unknowingly opened from shock. Your eyes were twice as wide from what it saw yet with his action, you got back to reality and tried to avert your flushing cheeks from him.

Jotaro immediately gripped your chin in place and tightened the arm on your waist. "L-let go or you'll regret baiting me." Trying to stop the wavering of your voice, you narrowed your eyes at him.

He didn't voice a response. 'Did he already find out my feelings? Or is he launching his payback for the bite? How petty.' Just the idea of him playing with your emotions turned your nose sour the same time it pricked the side of your eyes.

"Jotaro, I wa-was wrong. I li-like you but y-you ca-can't --- your trembling lips stilled when a pair of moist heated ones covered it. Jotaro gently sucked and bit your parted lower lip.

Happy tears streamed down your cheeks with the sudden turn out of event. You smiled against his kisses and joked, "You should've done this sooner." 'Who cares about morning breath. He kissed me first.'

In a second, you were then flatly laid on your back while he worked his way to your neck, slightly biting the skin above your erratic pulse. Low moans rolled off your tongue. It was still early morning even so, the thin fabrics felt stuffy in your heated state. 'How did it come to this?'

You moved your hands greedily along the ridges of his back feeling the taut muscles barely concealed under it. His hand slipped in your shirt gently rubbing the naked skin on your stomach. Ever sluggishly, his large hand drew upward, making its way to your waiting breasts. Loud moans came out when he squeezed and palmed them in his hands. 'I didn't wear bra. Did I know this would happen?'

His slick tongue licked the hardened peak above the fabric. The subtle friction from it teased your senses. Your breaths turned shallow in every passing second. This was your first time and it was too nerve-wracking. You felt that you wet yourself. 'Why do I feel like peeing? Now of all time?'

"Jo-jotaro are-aren't w-we to-o ah ah fa-fast?" Your slender fingers found its way to his hair, combing and pulling its softness whenever you felt excited. The wide neckline of your pajama was disarrayed showing your smooth round shoulders. And in there, Jotaro dipped his head and bit you with the strength enough that made you yelp but didn't really hurt.

He then moved his wet kisses down to your collar bone and nipped its skin red. "Y-you da-dare to b-bite me t-twice?" You won't admit it but his actions were too sexy in your eyes.

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