Chapter Six

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The house which was Adam's was a small two story house. The blue siding made it unique from the other houses which were either white or brown or white siding with bricks. The yard was well kept except for a few of Aurora's outside toys scattered around. Adam was surprised that Mineral Springs road wants that busy at this time of day. Usually kids of all ages were riding bikes or skateboards in the road. Then Adam remembered that it was still morning and kids were still in school.

Adam set his daughter down who ran towards the front door with David. They both jumped for the door knob. Then David left Aurora and he went up to Adam. He tugged at his (Adam's) hand.
"Mr. Young, can we go inside please?" David asked
Adam looked down at David, smiled, and Adam nodded his head 'yes.' David followed his mom and Adam. He watched as Adam opened the door. Then Aurora grabbed David's hand and she dragged him inside. Before David could look around, Aurora led him upstairs with Adam and David's mom behind them.

Adam followed Aurora to her bedroom. He laughed as the two children started playing.
"Nope. You need to get a bath before you start playing missy," said Adam as he picked his daughter up.
Aurora yelled playfully as her father got her clean clothes and underpants. Next, Adam told Brielle and David to make theirselves at home then he went out and went into the bathroom with his daughter.

Adam set her down and she smiled at her father.
"Daddy do you like Miss. Brielle?" She asked as her dad put lukewarm water in the bathtub.
He felt his face grow hot.
"Why would you ask that sweetie?" He questioned, trying to hide his embarrassment.
Aurora shrugged her shoulder and she giggled as her dad striped her naked and put her in the bathtub. Then he gab her a quick bath.

After Aurora's bath, Adam got her in clean clothes and they went out and went downstairs. Aurora saw David in the living room and she ran to him. They instantly started playing with toys that were in the room. A smile spread across Adam's face as he saw how happy his daughter was with David.
"Hey Adam," Brielle said beside him. He jumped and he looked at her.
"Yes? Would you like to see my music studio slash basement?" He asked
Brielle smiled, "yeah. If it's okay."
Adam smiled back and he told Aurora that he'll be downstairs.

Then Adam led Brielle downstairs and into his studio. Brielle looked around the room in awe. The whole room had soundproof foam on the walls. On the right wall was a bunch of guitars and in the corner was a drum set. In the middle of the room there was a bunch of other interments. On the back wall, there were monitors, speakers and other technology used for making music.

"Um Brielle. This may seem weird but would you....would you like to..." Adam stopped, sighed, and continued, "would you like to hear the reason why AnnMarie left me?"
Adam forced himself to swallow as he waited for Brielle to respond. He spun on his heel as he walked over to a small leather couch he had in the room. Brielle sauntered over and sat beside Adam.
"Yes. I'd like to," she responded.

Adam nodded his head and he took a deep breath.
"AnnMarie and I have been married for five years. Well not anymore. Anyways. When I first met her, she was everything to me. I loved her so much. And I thought she loved me the same way until yesterday," Adam paused, "Apparently she had been cheating on me for the past few months. She was always traveling. And yesterday, she told me that she was with child and that she loved another man in California. I was ticked. Our argument was about getting a divorce and how I was telling her that I still had feelings for her. Long story short, I vowed never to fall in love again but...I guess I like you even though we just met."

Adam finished talking and he hung his head. He wasn't excepting a response from Brielle. He glanced out of the corner of his eye and he saw her place her hand on his arm.
Brielle stared at Adam trying to think of a way to respond. Adam has been through a lot in the past day. Then her cheeks went red as she realized that Adam liked her. And she liked him. Then she did something she never thought she would do. Brielle kissed Adam.

He was surprised at first then he kissed Brielle back. Adam realized it's only been a day since AnnMarie left. Did he care that it was too soon to get in a relationship? Answer: no he did not. Adam knew he loved Brielle and he kissed her passionately. Adam breathed in deeply through his nose and he pulled away. The two were smiling at each other with red faces.
"I love you," Adam whispered, "and I barely know you."
Brielle laughed and said, "well then we can spend a few hours getting to know each other."
And that's exactly what they did.

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