Chapter Eight

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AnnMarie stared at the computer screen which showed her daughter crying wishing she was back home. She (AnnMarie) was shocked that Adam replaced her that fast. She imagined it would take a few weeks at the most. But not a day. That's too fast.
"Hey sweetie," Ann said," I gotta go and I'm coming home to get you okay?"
AnnMarie saw her daughter smile.
"I love you, mommy" Aurora said.
AnnMarie smiled and she told her daughter that she loved her too. Then she closed the laptop. A heavy sigh escaped her mouth.

"What's wrong?" She heard her fiancée Chase Knight ask
AnnMarie looked at him and he sat beside her.
"You remember my husband Adam right?" Ann asked
Cause nodded his head and AnnMarie told him everything that his daughter said. When she was finished, Chase stared at her speechless. Ann smirked at him.
"That was my reaction too," she said, "so I'm gonna go back to Owatonna today to hopefully get my daughter. Wanna come with?"
Chase pulled AnnMarie close to him.
"Let's're pregnant with our child so yes I'm coming with you," he said as he lightly kissed her.
AnnMarie smiled and the two left for the airport.


Aurora closed the laptop just as she heard her dad yell
"Aurora Raine Young come here now!"
Her heart skipped two beats as she stared at the door. Her dad never uses her full name unless she's in trouble. What did she do wrong?
"No!" She yelled back
Little Aurora knew that was a bad answer since she heard her father come up the stairs. She kept repeating 'no' over and over again until it turned into screaming when Adam repeatedly hit his daughter. He stopped when he saw blood on his hand. But it wasn't Adam's blood. It was his daughters.

Adam looked at his daughter in horror since blood was gushing out of her nose and ears. Her eyes were open and they were lifeless.
"Aurora?" asked Adam, barely in a whisper
When she didn't respond, Adam realized what he had done. He took his frustration of AnnMarie out on his daughter and in doing so he murdered his only daughter.
"I'm sorry princess," he said with his voice breaking.

Next, he picked up Aurora's limp body, cried and he buried his head into her chest. Adam walked out of his room and went into his daughters room. Adam silently set his daughter on her bed. Before Adam went out, he planted a long kiss on Aurora's forehead. Then Adam walked out still crying. He went downstairs and joined Brielle and David in the living room.
"Where's Aurora?" Brielle asked as Adam sat down.
"I killed her," he replied.
Brielle stared at Adam in shock.
"Adam, I don't know what to say," she said.
She saw Adam look at her and he started telling her things about his daughter.

It took Adam most of the day telling Brielle things about Aurora. They already had lunch and it was mid afternoon. David was drawing a picture and Brielle and Adam were cuddling on the couch.
"I love you," Adam whispered as he kissed Brielle's neck and slowly made his way to her lips.
"I love you too," Brielle replied.
Adam then kissed Brielle passionately. Their lips moved in rhythm and they were so caught up in the moment that they didn't hear AnnMarie and her fiancée walk in.

Chase went to go look for Ann's daughter while she stared at Adam who was still making out with a person she knew all too well. Of all the women in the world, Adam had to fall in love with Brielle Bradshaw. Her old friend from middle school.
"Adam!" She yelled
She saw Adam push Brielle away and he sat up, staring at her with wide eyes.
"W-why are you here?!" He exclaimed as he stood up.
"I came here to get my daughter," AnnMarie told him, "by the way where is she?"
Ann saw Adam's face go white and Adam opened his mouth to speak but she heard Chase say,
"I found her Ann."

AnnMarie spun around and she saw Aurora rubbing her eyes while yawning. Chase set Aurora down and Adam rushed over to her. Ann saw Adam hug her daughter.
"LET GO!!" Aurora screamed at Adam.
Adam wasn't letting go. Soon Aurora was screaming at Adam then AnnMarie saw Aurora kick Adam in between his legs.
"Mommy!!" She exclaimed
AnnMarie smiled and she picked up her daughter. Aurora buried her head into AnnMarie's shoulder and Brielle went to Adam and she helped him to his feet. Ann noticed that he was crying and he was glancing at Brielle. Then an idea came to AnnMarie.

"So Adam," she began, "I want my daughter and you want...who exactly. I'm confused since a few minuets ago you were kissing Brielle then the next minute you rushed over to our daughter. The way I see it is that you don't have a heart big enough for both of them," she paused to let Adam take in what she said. Ann continued, "I'll give you a choice."
"What choice is that?" Adam asked with a hint of eagerness in his voice.
AnnMarie handed Aurora to Chase and she sauntered over to Adam. They came eye to eye.
"You can either have your daughter or Brielle and her son. But the catch is that you can chose only one!" AnnMarie said, "listen to your heart Adam. Who will you choose?"

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