The End Of The Unstoppable Vigilante Or So We Thought

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Aizawa POV

I was sitting waiting in the police station until, "Eraserhead" I looked and it was Tsukauchi. "A note" I looked and had a deadpanned face.

"I said catch me not I would come to you" I chuckled. "Let's play hide and seek then catch" I threw the note away.

"Looks like we are playing an old fashioned game of hide and seek catch but knowing him he won't go down easy call All Might" he did and I know All Might is a day hero but I might need his help. I then walked outside and put my goggles on.

"READY ERASERHEAD" I saw him on the building across the street. "START COUNTING" he then booked it and All Might appeared beside me and I halted him.

"This kind of thing I have learned is he is serious about this stuff" I started counting and I gave All Might the yes really look. "Ok, we're coming" I then went to look for the vigilante.

Izuku POV

Yes I am in a bathroom of a fast-food restaurant. "I never said it was just outside," I said while eating a cheeseburger. When I was finished I walked out and I didn't have my legs on but I put them on in an alleyway not that far away. I then did what I did a while back. I moved the dumpster and hid in the small pit I made to hide from police and all that. I saw a blue blur pass by, 'so All Might is helping' I smiled at the challenge. The guy that was throwing stuff away didn't even notice me. I then noticed Eraser stop and pull his phone out and I turned mine on silent. Yes he has my number. Oh yeah the dumpster I'm underneath is a couple blocks down from Kacchans house. He looked around and I got ready but I bent down more so I was completely out of sight. I even put a blanket over me. The blanket blends in perfectly.

Then, "that's a pretty good spot kid" I looked and it was, 'shit' I got out of the space I made. Good thing it is connected to the sewer.

"Shit if Edgeshot is after me too I think I might have a problem" I then ran throughout the sewer and pounded All Might that came at me. I then went up a ladder and was outside the building where me and Eraser always meet. I walked inside the building this time. I took off my costume since it is a hero agency. Nighteyes to be exact.

"Wonderful night out isn't it" I looked the hero over. I ran stiff I looked at the people in the elevator, Nighteye, Bubble Girl and Fatgum. 'Shit' I got ready but it looks like they have no idea.

"Yeah I wanted to see this side of town I thought it might look nice and this was the tallest building I saw and I want to see the view" they asked at night. "Don't you know cities look the best at night" the heroes looked at each other and just decided I'm weird. They got off at the floor in the middle of the building but Fatgum was now standing beside me.

"Your tense" I said I usually am. "Your quirk" I shook my head just that I'm never relaxed. "Everyone needs to relax sometimes, if you stress too much you'll lose all your hair" I chuckled. "You look young, how old are you?" I said fourteen turning fifteen next month. "Do your parents know you're out this late" I said they already know I have trouble sleeping so I go for long walks and usually end up asleep on sidewalks or alleyways but most of the time I make it back home. We then reached the roof. I asked if it was his break, "yes actually" 'great' then I heard something climbing the steps. "Something wrong" I sighed.

"I guess me not having my mask on can fool some people but" I got my blades ready. "Sorry Fatgum you're a good hero and I know I can't beat you. But I also know I don't stand a chance against four heroes at once so I will be taken into custody but I will go down swinging" he thought he was going to honestly get a break. Then the door burst open and they now saw me without my mask. 'So Edgeshot, EraserHead, Fatgum and All Might this will be some fight' I got ready. "Come on you haven't caught me yet but you found me" All Might was the first I blocked his hit and flung him over my shoulder. I then shot a blade at Edgeshot and he dodged and turned into paper. "Vigilante ultimate move flaming sword" my hand turned into a flamethrower while my blade was still out making Edgeshot retreat. "Humans can burn" I then made the blade smaller by about a five foot blade. I pulled the sword back into my hand and Fatgum came at me. I responded with a rocket kick sure his quirk absorbed the impact but I hooked him to my foot and then I launched me and him over the edge. "Bug stomper" we hit the ground with a big thud. I released the unconscious man. "Sorry" I checked his pulse and thank god he isn't dead he just needs medical attention. "Your body took in too much damage so you got overloaded. Everything has a limit" I then looked over my shoulder they could see I am very experienced. "Ok you three want to have a crack at it the deal was only EraserHead it means you can't get help" I then hid from the hero agency people but I was also grabbed by Eraser because he was faster than the eye could see.

When we were alone, "your crazy" I slumped down he saw I was actually freaking. "You never attacked a hero before you were just acting" I nodded having a panic attack. "At least he's still alive" I nodded and knew I would be scared for life. "Look just come with me to the police station and well self defense doesn't do anything for you" I nodded and said fine defeated. Mainly because I didn't have the will to fight anymore.

Skip to police station

The police saw I was shaken pretty much. I was brought into a room with Nezu and the guy from before. "Honestly it just happened I came to about the time we slammed on the ground" I said and they looked at each other. "I'll be known as the student that attacked a hero surely. Then sent to prison then they will attempt to beat me up and fail in the end. My life sucks" I sighed and they kept looking at each other. "What" I blinked and was confused as I curled into a ball. "Say something" they were hesitant.

"Well you did fantastic at the sports festival, and being a vigilante that fights both sides from what I hear. How about we make a deal" I listened and my eyes widened. "You can keep being a vigilante if you become a hero course student and help UA from time to time" the cop was shocked. Nezu had an evil smile on his face. "Here is a little advice from a hero and from a certain vigilante don't let one mistake stop you. But most importantly don't go astray" 'I said that' was my responding thought. I looked at my hand, "so you hurt one hero you hurt several villains" I nodded. "You have done more good than bad. I thank you and you can get hero tips from the hero course" I looked at the principal and asked if he is serious. "Most serious" I blinked and broke the cuffs.

"Well principle Nezu you certainly are an interesting animal" he asked me to sit back down and asked the policeman to leave. He asked me about what I said the other day, "I used to be depressed. That's in the past, leave it in the past. It should be forgotten" I said and asked if it was ok for me to go. "Yes I have all the paperwork for you to move to the hero course" I smiled.

I then left.

'Hero stuff huh' 

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