The Finals Will Leave a Mark

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Izuku POV

I woke up it has been a couple of days and my parents finally did the thing I'm paying for the house now. 'Good thing I rob the people I kill' the only ones I don't are the ones that need to get stitched up due to me cutting the penis off. I opened the door and then stared at the door, 'they left just two days ago and it feels like only last night' I knew this would be different but I was still thinking of what Endeavor said. "Pile of scrap metal" I then jumped when none other than Kirishima surprised me. We talked and he said a couple good ones, "metal head but your heads not made out of metal" I rubbed the back of my head. "Thats steel not iron right can't be iron man. What does your costume look like" I told him. "A cat hoodie for shits and giggles really" I asked why not the iron cat. "No how about The Judge" I blinked it fit. "Since your like a judge" I said I like it. "Awesome so will you use it" I said why not.

We then got to school and the Principal told me to go to his office. When I got there, "I want you to be the obstacle for the practical" I blinking and said they might be killed or severely injured. "That's the main reason we have recovery girl" I blinked and thought about all the quirks. I said fine why not. He then told my what I am and am not allowed to use. "Ok no killing can do" I then stood up and went to do the testing.

Skip to them walking out

I saw the class approaching. The principal told them they will be fighting me. "I won't be going easy on you. But you have seen me fight at the USJ and TV and the Sport festival" I said and stepped into the giant arena.

Bakugo POV

 'Shit' I thought and listened to the principal explain the objective. He then we might as well think of a plan. We threw around idea, "everyone be quiet" they shut up. "His style of fighting is using his quirk to his advantage. If he is able to use his quirk to make anything it might be over and done with in seconds if we aren't paying attention. Also" as the door opened there was a sign in the concrete. 'Lets play hid and seek I put chains and a lock on the escape gate if you find the key before I find you, you win' "he if you watched the news he likes the game of hide and seek and we're both it" they asked how I knew so much. "Idiot I grew up with him and we're rivals I wouldn't expect anything less than nineteen students vs one vigilante to be a challenge. After all he's been around a while if you paid attention to the news. He is fully capable of beating us with ease and he knows this. We have to bring him to somewhere we have the advantage. Four eyes your speed might help but you remember how fast he was during the USJ attack" I then grabbed the equipment from my gauntlet. "Here so we don't go blindly running towards voices that he's copying. He knows exactly what our voices sound like. Also he will probably aim for the ones that could do the most damage first" I looked at raccoon eyes and dunce face. "Meaning you have to be careful especially you two. Also shitty hair, floaty, perv face you might be able to slow him down but beating him. None of us would be able to cuff that bastard we find this key because the lock could probably cancel our quirk if we try and break it" they asked the plan. "The plan when we find the key is to meet back at the door we came in at and if I were him I wouldn't hide it out in the open maybe inside a building. But if we were to go in a building he would have the advantage unless" I looked at the invisible girl. 'He never paid any attention to her can he not see her heat signature no maybe it's just that he doesn't have the right equipment' I smiled and had a maybe good idea. "Invisible girl go invisible and look in all the buildings but be extremely quiet. So either barefoot or socks. Not a sound" I then said everyone else look on the outside. I asked how her costume works. She said anything is invisible as long as it is attached to her suit. "Do you have a sound proof mask" she said it's invisible. "Perfect so you can wear the communicator. Now as soon as we enter run to a random building and go to building to building search every floor quietly. He also probably has ears everywhere. Be careful and quiet and if you do make a sound hide and slow your breathing and be quiet" she said alright. "The reason I chose you is you might have not seen it but he thinks if we include him there is still nineteen meaning" I smiled.

"He can't detect me" I said exactly. "Wow Bakugo that's brilliant" we then entered. 

"Class 1-A final exam begin"

Izuku POV

I was on the far end of the city mock area. I hid the key inside one of the buildings in an office building to be exact. "Just little ol me vs a class of eighteen students. This will be a piece of cake" I said confident and a little cocky. It began and I started and I began my advance. I walked, 'ok so acid, and electricity first' I remembered. "Lets not forget those sensory quirks" little did I know there were nineteen students one with a quirk that is not my forte. I at some point came across Sato. "Sugar boy" I smirked I didn't have my mask on. He ate sugar and came at me. I caught his punch and broke his wrist, "sorry not sorry" I continued after knocking him out. I encountered Mina next, "howdy pinkie it appears your my second victim" she shot acid but I dodged. "Ok" I ran at her. I then dodged and sent out my knock out blade. I got her and she passed out. I let out a breath of relief that one I didn't kill her and two she actually fell asleep.

I then looked around more and went inside a building and heard something but ignored it and oh boy was that a mistake.

Hagakure POV

I followed Bakugos advice and froze when I saw him and he was right in front of me. "Must have been my imagination" he said as he went up the stairs. "Now where to put it" 'he hasn't even hidden the key yet' when he left the room and didn't come back for anything I moved outside and told Bakugo what I found out.

"Figure he'd wait till the halfway mark just keep an eye on him but make sure you don't get caught" I said alright.

I followed him all throughout the finals and I got told like everyone is waiting hidden at the gate. He then finally hid the key under a table which is a plain move but he put tacks on the ground so you can't really lay on the ground to get it. After he did that he looked around one more time and then jumped out the window. 'Ow' was my only thought watching him hit the ground. I bent down and noticed a blinking red light and I'm guessing it's a tracker. I told Bakugo and I heard him laugh through the communicator and told me the code and I was dumbfounded it was something as simple as a repeated number code and when I put it in it unlocked and I grabbed the key he told me it would have about five minutes until he shows up. I ran down the stairs careful not to fall and he passed me running up the stairs. I put the key in a pocket on my hero suit so it would be hidden.

Nezu POV

"Well thats interesing the other students would have been clueless to but he passed over her even with her wearing her gloves. Then again I noticed in the classroom to. He never really glanced at Hagakure once even when her school uniform was completely visible" the teachers found it interesting. "So he probably only thinks he is dealing with eighteen students oh that is a mistake" I then saw she made it to the gate and unlock it and let everyone win and Midoriya was completely confused. "He wasn't told how many students were put into the class at the start. But at the sports festival he was listening to you announcing the quirks but probably thought she would be in class 1-B. I think this will be funny" I chuckled and he walked out of the area bummed he barely got to do any fighting. He then walked through the door and was shocked. "There is a girl with an invisibility quirk in the class I found it funny she walked passed you several times and I would have expected you to have some sort of heat vision with you" he accepted defeat. But he looks embarrassed.

"That's the one thing that I haven't invented yet" he said embarrassed. "But an invisibility quirk that's useful" he kept thinking. I told him he could go. "Ok" with that he left.

"Well looks like it may be a drawback or something" one of my teachers asked. 

"Or it may be something as simple as bad vision or he just straight couldn't see her" I said and it was the end of the day and we left the school.

"Eraser" he looked. "What do you think of him going to the training camp with you" I said and he asked if he had a choice. "Not really"

'This will be interesting'

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 26, 2021 ⏰

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