Unpaid Insurance

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Alec and Eddie went to search for Rory after she had disappeared for longer than they thought. They walked into the office only to find her figure thrown on the ground.


They both rushed to her unconscious body and kneeled. Eddie felt her pulse, "I'll go get help. Her iratze is on her side."

Alec nodded and pulled out his stele as the younger one ran out. He tried to keep her covered while tracing her rune. As her eyes opened, she groaned and winced as he helped her sit upright.

"It's okay. I've got you," he assured.


"What about him?"

"He took the Cup."

Alec's worry wasn't on the Cup at the moment. He focused on helping her compose herself again. The gash on her forehead bled into her hair and down her face. She tightly grasped his arms to stay up.

"Eddie went to get help."

"I'm okay," she brushed off, "We need to find him."

"You need to heal," he argued.

She was too weak to protest and he scooped her up bridal style and walked out. She thought it was ironic considering it was her wedding day. He laid her down in the med bay just as Magnus came rushing in with her brother.

"Find Hodge," she ordered.

Alec nodded and stormed off, determined to find the man who hurt her.

Magnus helped her relax as he performed his magic and fixed the wound to the best of his ability. She refused to rest, knowing that she needed to be out there with them.

But when she finally broke free of him, everyone had already left for missions. She huffed and moved back to her room, changing into better clothes.

"You shouldn't be on your feet," Eddie reminded.

"I just got my ass handed to me and I got married. Don't tell me what I should or shouldn't do."

"So what? You're gonna go out there and hunt him down?" he questioned.

"If that's what it takes."

"Look at yourself Rory! You were barely functioning during the wedding and I could see you shaking. You need to take a breather and put yourself together before you go back out there," he argued.

She slipped on her jacket and stopped to face him. They stood tall staring at each other, using their presence to calm down.

"Do you think you made the wrong decision?" he whispered timidly.

She shook her head adamantly, "No. I-I just didn't think it would be like that."

"Like what?"

She threw her arms up, "I don't know! Lonely?"

He watched as she sat down and put her head in her hands. She sighed, "No one besides Alec trusts me here. The only family I have that actually showed up was you. And now I'm gonna be running an Institute with a husband? I'm starting to doubt if I can do this."

He laughed lightly, "You're just pressured and overwhelmed. They will learn to trust you in due time. And you've ran an Institute before, only now you have someone to stick by your side and help you. As for family...it's just been you and me for two years now."

"I know...there was just some part of me that wished mom had shown up. Or that dad and Jack could've been here."

He smiled and pulled her into a side hug, "They'd be proud of you."

Crowns ~ Alec Lightwood Where stories live. Discover now