Chapter 11: The Winter Dance

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Teary zipped up my dress at the back.

"Thanks Teary!" 

"Your welcome" he said as I turned around.

"Wow, you look beautiful Ava"

"Thanks! You too!"

He was wearing a typical black suit with a light blue shirt under it.

"Come on! Go see your date!" He lead me to the stairs.

"Aren't you coming down?" I asked.

"I'm still gotta do my hair."

"Oh ok." I said.

I stepped onto the first step, then the next, and before I knew it, I was at the bottom.

"Your date has arrived." I said.

Cass and Ed stood up from the couch and turned around.

"You look beautiful" Cass said.

She had a white T-shirt on and a black dress that had those small straps. The straps crossed in the back, and the bottom of the dress went down to just above her knees. A black pair of tall boots that had a just a little bit of high heel to them met the dress at just below her knees. Her hair had been braided on the side. She was wearing a locket around her neck.

"You do too!" I said.

I was wearing a silver long-sleeved dress that went down to just above my ankles. The sleeves  and around my neck was lace. The dress went very well with my sliver shoes that also had just a little bit of high heel. My hair matched Cass's, just as we had planed.

Ed was wearing the same thing as Teary, but his was green.

"Where's Teary?" Ed asked.

"He said he was gonna do this hair" I replied.

"In Teary talk, that could be a few hours."

"Hey I heard that!" Teary called.

I couldn't help but laugh.

Just then, the doorbell rang.

"I'll get it" I said, getting my from the arm rest on the couch.

I opened the door to find Isaac standing there.

"Hey Ava."

"Oh hey Isaac!"

"I was wondering," he said. "Which looks better? The black suspenders or the white ones?"

"Cass!" I called. "She's a lot better at fashion than am."

"What's up?" She said.

"Black or white?" Isaac held up each option next to his outfit.

He was in a tan button-up shirt with some simple black pants.

"The black" Cass said. "They'll go better with your pants."

"Thanks Cass. I'll see you guys at the dance."

"Bye!" I called.

Teary finally came down.

"Only took you a century." Edward complained.

"Hey, the dance isn't over yet." He said.

"Then we better get going before it is!" I said, already heading to the door.

Edward jumped forwards and opened the door.

"Ladies first!"

Cass and I stepped out into the cool air, quickly followed by Teary and Edward. 

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