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Genevieve decided that she needed a haircut. Her hair went well past her shoulders, not having been cut since she moved to Forks. It wasn't that she didn't like long hair, it was just so much more manageable when it was shorter.

That's how she found herself sitting in a chair in the Cullen's living room, a towel wrapped around her shoulders as Esme snipped at her hair. Seth swept around them, cleaning up the hair as it fell to the floor.

Edward and Renesmee sat at the piano, playing a few notes at a time while Bella and Jacob watched nearby. Jasper sat next to Rosalie and Emmett on the couch, watching a sports game with Emmett and Rosalie flipped through a magazine.

Esme was brushing the clipped hair off of Genevieve's shoulders, satisfied with the evenness of the cut, when Alice walked in. The vampire gasped, a look of horror crossing her face as the vase of flowers slipped from her grasp, crashing to the floor.

Everyone turned their attention to Alice, Jasper at her side instantly. Genevieve stood, curling into Seth's arms as he wrapped an arm around her shoulder.

"What is it?" Jasper asked as he touched her arm gently.

"The Volturi, they're coming for us. Aro, Caius, Marcus, the guard, and Irina." Alice said, blinking as she shook her head. Renesmee turned to her mother, letting Bella wrap her arms around her protectively. Genevieve glanced at Seth, her heart beating wildly in her chest.

"Why?" Carlisle frowned.

"What did Irina see in the woods?" Edward asked, turning to his wife.

"We were just walking," Bella shook her head.

"Ness and I were building a snowman," Genevieve added, wrapping her arms around herself.

"You were singing and Ness was jumping around, dancing," Jacob added.

Edward's face fell, his lips parting in horrified realization. "Of course."

"Of course, what?" Genevieve asked, trying to keep herself calm.

"Irina thinks Renesmee is an immortal child," Edward shook his head as he turned his attention to Genevieve. "If she knows that you're a Siren, she might think that you're controlling Renesmee - using her to do your bidding."

"Wait, what's an immortal child?" Genevieve frowned, finding the theory ridiculous and hoping that it wasn't true. Bella picked up Renesmee, handing her to Rosalie as the vampire took the girl out of the room.

"They're children who were turned into vampires. Frozen at their young age, they never learned restraint. A single tantrum would destroy a whole village." Carlisle explained, wringing his hands together. "Humans heard of the devastation, and stories got around. The Volturi were forced to step in. Since the children couldn't protect our secret, they were destroyed. Most of the time their creators grew very attached to the children, and fought to protect them. Families were torn apart, countless humans slaughtered. Traditions broke, friends and even families turned against each other and were lost."

"So the Denali's mom made an immortal child?" Bella asked, crossing her arms.

"Yes, and she paid the price," Carlisle nodded.

"Renesmee isn't anything like those kids," Genevieve shook her head.

"Gen's right, she was born not bitten. She grows every single day!"

"Can't you just explain that to the Volturi?" Jacob asked.

"Aro has enough evidence from Irina's thoughts," Edward shook his head.

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