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It was raining when they landed back in Washington.

Genevieve rested her head against the window, watching the water droplets race down the glass. Her face was buried in her scarf as she listened to her mother and Charlie talk. The police chief insisted on picking them up from the airport, so Genevieve and Matthew were sitting in the back of his police cruiser while Lorelei sat up front.

Genevieve could tell that everyone was more relaxed now they were back in Forks. Lorelei was back to her usual carefree self, no longer holding herself in a way to prove she belonged there. Matthew's shoulders no longer held the tension, not needing to look over his shoulder or expecting to be ignored by everyone around him.

And Genevieve felt like she could breathe. Sure, she was finally around people like her but it wasn't home. Forks was her home. And she'd never been happier to see the cloudy sky or hear the pitter patter of rain.

"Bella called yesterday," Charlie commented. Genevieve turned her attention to him, not lifting her head off the window. "I told her you were coming back but she said she couldn't come see everyone yet, something to do with her getting used to a new diet or routine or something. Anyway, she says she's sorry to miss you but she'll see everyone when she can. I figured since she wasn't going to be there, it wouldn't hurt to have a couple other people."

Genevieve shared a glance with Matthew. Genevieve was able to hide the bruises from Charlie because it wasn't weird to wear a scarf outside. If people were coming over, they were going to see her bruises and ask questions. That was something none of them were ready for yet.

Genevieve's internal worry stopped dead when Charlie pulled up to her home, her heart lurching when she saw who was standing on the porch, waiting. She went to reach for the door, huffing irritably when she remembered that she was in the back of a police car - there was no handle. She waited impatiently while Charlie opened the door for her, all but pushing past him and ran to the porch. The rain dampened her hair and skin, cold to the touch, but she didn't care.

Genevieve laughed, practically jumping into the warm arms of the boy she missed with every fiber of her being. She buried her face into his neck, her nose brushing against his skin as she breathed him in deeply, smiling at the familiar smell of the woods after the rain and cinnamon and home.

"I missed you," Seth mumbled into her hair, holding her tightly around the waist before spinning the two of them around in a circle.

Genevieve laughed, her heart leaping joyfully in her chest. "I missed you too," she breathed when her feet touched the ground again. She leaned back, biting back a grin as she looked in his deep chocolate brown eyes.

"Earth to love birds! I'm not taking your suitcase in for you, Gen! I'll leave it in Charlie's car or in the rain if you don't come get it."

Genevieve rolled her eyes, turning to glare at Matthew as he hauled his own suitcase up the porch stairs. She reached out, shoving him through the door before running back to the car to grab her suitcase. As soon as she lifted it off the ground, another hand grabbed the handle from her. She grinned at Seth, holding his free hand as they ran out of the light drizzle. Genevieve laughed as they climbed the stairs, stopping to stare at Seth. They stood on the last step, the cold rain hitting their skin softly.

Her grin turned soft, her heart thudding slowly in her chest. She couldn't help but stare. Seth's hair was damp from the rain, little droplets of water dripping from the ends of his dark hair. His t-shirt clung to his shoulders, slightly damp as well. Her breath caught in her throat when Seth turned his gaze on her. His face was soft, lips tugged up in a smile, chocolate eyes bright as they stared at her. She was breathless at the absolute adoration on his face, a look completely reserved for her.

Genevieve stepped closer to Seth, moving to the top step as she did so. He still stood over her despite her being a step higher than him, but she didn't care. She squeezed his hand softly as her free hand brushed damp hair away from his eyes, moving to wipe the rain away from his cheek. Her eyes scanned his face, his soft, warm skin still in her hands. Genevieve moved her hand to the back of his neck, playing with the ends of his hair. She felt like it had been ages since she'd seen him.

Seth reached forward, setting down her luggage next to her on the stairs, not daring to break eye contact with her. His now free hand reached up, twirling a damp strand of her obsidian hair between his fingers. She could feel her face heat up from the intensity of his stare, but couldn't look away. She leaned into his touch when his hand caressed her own cheek, letting her eyes flutter closed.

"You're so beautiful," Seth whispered, his voice barely audible over the light pitter-patter of the rain. Genevieve opened her eyes, lips parting at his declaration. She let go of his hand, both her hands moving to the sides of his face, pulling him closer. Seth's hands quickly found her hips, meeting her halfway as their lips crashed together, hungry to close the distance that had been between them for so long.

Genevieve sighed into the kiss, wrapping her arms around Seth's neck as their lips danced together. She felt a shiver go down her spine as his tongue brushed against her bottom lip, her hands tangling in his hair to pull him closer.

"Gen! Seth! Get inside, you're gonna catch a cold!"

The two broke apart, foreheads touching as they laughed gently. Genevieve bit her lip, trying to conceal the grin on her face. She opened her eyes, letting a gentle laugh escape her lips when her eyes met Seth's.

"I love you," he said gently as he pressed a gentle kiss to her nose.

Genevieve leaned forward, pressing an equally gentle kiss to his lips quickly. "I love you. So much. You have no idea how glad I am to be home."

The two joined hands, Seth grabbing Genevieve's forgotten suitcase as they made their way inside the home. Genevieve rested her head against Seth's shoulder, wrapping her free hand around his bicep. She felt completely content, able to forget about the past month easily as she and Seth joined her family in the kitchen. Leah and Matthew were already sharing a seat as Charlie and Lorelei put out plates for the pizza Leah and Seth had picked up earlier.

Genevieve felt safe in her home full of laughter and love.

She was finally home.

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