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When Genevieve was 11 years old, she heard her mother and father fight for the first time.

Okay, it wasn't the first time she heard them fight. But it was the first time Genevieve understood what it was about.

Sylvia was visiting, as she usually did in the summer. During dinner, she asked if Genevieve wanted to spend the rest of the summer with her in Maine. 11-year-old Genevieve lit up at the idea. Her grandmother was an enigma, bringing a promise of new adventure that young Genevieve wanted more than anything.

Geraldo was quick to shut the idea down. Lorelei shared the sentiment after a moment of hesitation.

That was the first time Genevieve remember her father suggesting to keep Genevieve away from Lorelei's side of the family. At the time, Genevieve didn't understand her father's disdain for her mother's family. 5 years later, Genevieve finally understood it all.

Genevieve led Eleanor back to the house, her face set in determination as her heart thudded in her chest. Some of the tension left her shoulders when she saw her mother and Millicent arguing in the foyer.

"Genevieve, thank goodness." Lorelei breathed in relief when her daughter walked through the door. She glanced at Eleanor trailing behind her before pulling her daughter into a tight hug. "Where have you been?"

"El showed me around town," Genevieve hugged her mother quickly before pulling out of her mother's embrace. She noticed the way her mother's eyes gave Genevieve a once over, checking to make sure she was unharmed. "I need to talk to you."

"We need to talk to the both of you," Eleanor added as she stepped to her mother's side. Millicent pursed her lips, glancing between her daughter and niece.

Genevieve closed her eyes in slight irritation, swallowing her emotions as she nodded firmly.

"Let's take this to my room," Lorelei said before turning on her heel. Genevieve followed close behind her mother, Millicent and Eleanor following after.

Genevieve didn't have time to take in her mother's room - the room her mother grew up in - as Eleanor nudged her as soon as Millicent closed the door behind all of them.

"We think we know who sold us out to the vampires." Genevieve blurted as she wrung her hands together. Genevieve didn't know exactly how to put her theory in a way that her mother and aunt wouldn't immediately ask a million questions, but she figured just blurting out what she knew was a pretty good start. "I know it sounds crazy but you need to listen to everything first. Please."

Millicent and Lorelei exchanged a look, the two sighing before nodding.

Genevieve and Eleanor explained their theory - the seemingly inexplicable relationship between Genevieve's father and uncle. The whole time, Genevieve wanted nothing more than for her mother or Aunt Millicent to laugh and say the two men were actually good friends and see each other regularly. That there was no way her father was trying to single-handedly destroy the Sirens.

But they didn't. Lorelei and Millicent simply stood and listened. Genevieve could see the irritation plain as day on Millicent's face. Lorelei stayed composed throughout the whole story. Genevieve expected as much from her mother.

"Son of a bitch!" Millicent cursed as soon as the two girls were done. Her face twisted in anger as she turned to her sister. "I told you Geraldo was bad news, Lo! He never liked us. He's the reason our family broke up after Cecilia died."

"Millicent," Lorelei warned, crossing her arms at her sister. Lorelei eyed her sister, lips pressed together. Her voice stayed steady, like it always was. "Let's try and be rational about this. Genevieve, Eleanor, this is a very serious accusation." Lorelei turned her attention on the two girls.

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