The Finale

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(Rafael's POV)
(The day he was kidnapped)
Where am I? What happened? I can't see properly. Ugh. My head hurts. Where is
Isabelle? It's okay just calm down. Don't panic.
"Ah! He's finally awake," a voice said, "How are you feeling?"
"W-who are you a-and where am I?"
"Don't worry kid. We aren't going to hurt you."
I just sat on the bed where I was asleep few minutes ago. Two teenagers had appeared in front of my bed. Both male who look scary yet I felt safe but it seemed fake. The room was big, dark and gloomy. The shadows kept shifting and whispering.
"Don't mind them. They just can't wait to have you."
"Wait! What do you mean by have me?"
"Oh, you know one of the demons will be using your body as a vessel while you can have all it's powers. Nothing much. Though you will become so strong."
I stared at them expecting them to scream April's Fool or say that it was just a gag. But they just looked at me and started walking towards the door.
"Wait are you serious? "
I never got an answer for that question.
(Present time)
I don't know what is happening here. Oh Lord my family is more messed up than I thought. I know that Isabelle will come for me. Laila will definitely come for me.
Within the span of three or so days, I learned about my family and about what is going to happen soon. They have kept me locked in this room and I haven't gotten proper sleep because of the demons constantly whispering. I have had hardly 6 hours sleep for the past three days. I met my family and I regret it. They act as if this is normal. I am losing my mind. Talking to myself.
"Guess what Raf? Your sister is on her way here," one of my cousins birst into the room," She's with Augustus right now. Who knew it would be so easy to convince her? But then again why would anyone give up on such an offer."
I knew it I am sure she has a plan. Ugh these people seriously think I am okay with them. I hate this God forsaken place.
(Isabelle's POV)
I can see the mansion now. We are close. Damn, it's huge. I really hope Rafael is fine. I still don't trust Augustus. But I have no other choice. I have to do this. We have entered the front gates. It's dark here even though it's just noon and really cold. I can sense so many presence near me. This place gives me the creeps. I can see them standing in front of the mansion waiting for me. I get out of the car.
A woman of about 70 or so approaches me, "My dear girl how have you been? I am your grandmother, Raven. This is your grandfather, Arthur." she points at a man beside her. They have smiles pn their faces but it looks fake. This could never fool me. I know that deep down they are monsters waiting to devour me.
"Don't be afraid. We are your family. I am sure your fiance has explained everything to you by now." the man spoke.
I feel sick just by listening to them. They don't even care if I want to get married to my cousin. Disgusting. I can't wait to kill them. I don't speak. I just nod to them.
"Don't worry, grandma I told her everything and she is willing to so as told." Augustus replied.
"Good. All the arrangements are made too. She just need to sit and wsit for a demon to choose her and than her brother. Then we can live together as a family, " said a woman behind Raven, " By the way I am your aunt, Augustus' mother."
I was laid inside the mansion. Introduced to everyone and I paid no attention. I just wanted to see Rafael. Just as Augustus has said their were just 9 people. My mom told me that she had two elder brothers and a younger sister. But the eldest brother died when she was just a kid. He was sacrificed to the demons because the demons were dissatisfied with him. The elder brother married some distant cousin with a strong demon and had two boys.
The younger sister married a close cousin and had Augustus. Augustus has a strong demon but the demon was somehow under his control. He could make his own choices without the hindrance from the demon. That is our advantage.
I was taken to a even darker room lit by only candles. There were no windows. The floor had drawings done with blood ofcourse. I could sense Laila. She is really restless.
The only person I needed to see right now. I turned towards the door and saw Rafael standing there. He ran towards me. I pulled him into a tight hug.
"I am here. I am so sorry. I will protect you. " I whispered to him.
I was made to sit at the centre of a circles. As per plan Augustus was close to Rafael.
They start chanting. I ignore all the sounds. I only concentrate on the object in my pocket. I let Laila take control of me. I drift off. I feel lighter. I open my eyes and can see what is happening. They have poured blood on me. Suddenly the room erupted into flames. I can sense an evil emerging from the deepest, darkest part of hell. Augustus warned me that since I am doing the ritual rather late my demon moght be stronger and the fact that I have a dark second personality inside me might just get me the worst demon. But with this ring I can control it. I put on the ring and stand to face the demon in front of me.
"Damn, it's fugly." I hear myself say out loud.
It looks angry now or maybe. Can't say. I put my hand up.
"Listen up big guy I need your help and you will abide by my commands."
Since I was surrounded by fire, my family couldn't see what I was doing and neither could I see them. Augustus gave me this ring saying he found out about it while studying about our family history. Our ancestor had created it using holy water, silver and some holy things which is a mystery so as to use it to control demons since they were scared of the ring's power. They had made it to get rid of demons but the history twisted as time went by. And rules were made for the family which weren't real. The fire calmed down and slowly extinguished by itself. My family looked happy but soon the smile turned upside down because instead of the demon using my body as vessel was still outside my body with a bloodthirst. Waiting to tear everyone apart at my command.
"You can do whatever you wish with them."
My family looked taken aback. Soon they realised that I had control over my demon so they let their demon take control of their body. They started attacking the demon. The fight went on. As planned I ran away from the mansion and Augustus was in a car with Rafael. Just as I got out of the front gate, I put salt to complete the circle which Augustus had drawn when our family was preparing for the ritual. Now even if they want to get out they can't. And the silent place was filled with screams and then it fell silent all of a sudden. The demon came out the mansion to show that it completed my command. I sat in the car and we got out of that place.
(Time skip)
We were all packed and ready to go back home. Augustus started his training for the police course he had been studying for. So well eventually he will become a police. We don't know what might happen to him since he left his demon and the priests we had called for had gone there to exorcise the place and had succeeded. He seemed fine. But we promised him that we would visit him once in a while. It has been a week since that day and since Laila hasn't come out. She hasn't even peeked into. I wonder if even she left me. I had Rafael back. It looked too good to be true. Did it really end so easily? Maybe not. Did we really win? I still have the ring. I guess I will hold onto it. Who knows when I'll need it again. Well this is all I guess.

 Well this is all I guess

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