Chapter 1

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Orientation day is just as important as the first day of class. How else can you perform at your full potential if you aren't properly oriented? An important day required an important outfit. Blathers perused through his closet. He found the perfect items: a nice brown argyle sweater vest and a spiffy green bow tie. Owning multiple pairs of the same clothing made it quite easy for Blathers to choose his outfit, and besides, who doesn't like a brown argyle sweater vest with a green bow tie? It was the choice ensemble for Blathers.

He made sure his notebooks and pencils were neatly packed away in his knapsack. He didn't necessarily need the orientation as he'd attended Animal University in the city many times. In fact, he'd been there for nearly six years at that point. He already had two degrees under his belt (finishing with honours to boot). The first was a degree in Restoration Sciences and the second degree was in Art History. He had fast tracked each degree by taking on a larger course load each semester, and attending school through the summer as well. Quite impressive for most, but for Blathers it wasn't anything out of the ordinary. His academics were always the top priority. His mother demanded it and Blathers imposed it. He was now at the end of his doctorate. He was on the path to becoming an archeologist, just as his mom had envisioned it for young Blathie. It was the only career path he'd strived for since his mum helped him find one. Blathers was 26 and at the final year of his PhD and he couldn't have been more excited, nor could his mother be more proud. Whatever came after his PhD was a bit frightening, actually working in the field, but he didn't need to focus on that today. Today it was orientation day.

He picked up his knapsack and began to make his way to the kitchen, stopping just outside of his sister's room, "You really should keep your room more organized, Celeste. It would make it much easier to clean up if it's kept nice and tidy each day."

Celeste, laying in her bed looked up from her phone, "You're not leaving yet are you? Your orientation doesn't start for another hour."

"Yes, well I aim to arrive early! Early bird gets the worm as they say!"

"We live ten minutes away from the campus."

"You can never be too early, Celeste. Now tidy this room or at the very least pretend like you are before mum sees."

"It's fine as it is!"

Blathers was taken aback to see Celeste's books all over the floor, some opened some closed. Celeste collected a large number of books on astronomy and anything that had pictures or descriptions of constellations. Some where old textbooks she'd acquired and some were modern books from the local bookstore. A few of them were even on astrology and the mythical tales of the stars. She had a deep fascination for the stars.

It was 7:00pm and orientation started at 8:00pm. Blathers chose the latest possible orientation hour as he (along with his family) were accustomed to sleep during the day and stay awake during the night. The life of an owl household. His father was in the kitchen reading the paper while he waited for the coffee to brew, "Is it the first day of class already?"

"No father, today is simply orientation day. My first class won't begin until tomorrow evening."

"Orientation day? But why do you need orientation for a campus you've frequented for five years?"

"Six years. I like to keep my orientation up to date just in case any changes have been made that I need to be aware of. Plus, I'll be revisiting my new lecture rooms to ensure I know exactly how to arrive to each one efficiently."

His mother stepped into the kitchen, "Very good Blathers, you need to make sure you're exceeding above and beyond all expectations on you this semester. You know it's your last and I want you to maintain your grades before you graduate."

A Young Academic Named BlathersWhere stories live. Discover now