Chapter 9

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Although Blathers always ensured he was prepared for whatever challenges the University threw his way, nothing could prepare him for staying awake through Professor Chips Ichthyology class. Fortunately for him, it wasn't hard to pass the class, he had an A+ so far. It wasn't something he was happy with, however, as he didn't feel like the course provided any sort of challenge or learning opportunity for him to have earned that grade. He had to do all of the teaching and learning himself through the class textbook and by spending time reading up everything he could from the library. The lectures themselves consisted of movies and lacklustre slide show presentations.

Blathers sat drowsy in his seat determined to stay awake through the entire duration of the class. Professor Chip walked in with exactly what Blathers was dreading, a TV.

"Not again." Blathers sighed.

"Hey there, everyone! Hope ya got your viewing pants on today, nyuk nyuk nyuk. If ya couldn't guess, we've got another flick today. This one's one of my favourites! Salmon fishing! You'll learn lots about these nice, big, juicy fish from today's movie!"

Blathers was the only one who grumbled in annoyance.

The class went by rather quickly, but this may have been because Blathers fell asleep through most of it. Once class was done Blathers rushed over to Professor Chip who was eagerly leaving the classroom.

"Let's chat in my office, Blathers!" He said as he rolled the TV out of the class.

"Eh, Yes, that sounds excellent Professor."

The office was only a few doors down. They both settled in and Chip left the TV right beside his desk. His office was filled with medals of different rankings, gold, silver and even bronze. They were all displayed on a shelf behind him, some were on his desk, there were some certificates hung up on the wall.

"So, what can I do for ya?" He said as he pulled a toothpick out and began cleaning his teeth.

"Ah, Professor, I wanted to discuss Ichthyology class with you in general."

"Oh boy! Well let's not use big words like that around here, nyuk nyuk nyuk!"

"Right... Well, I'm a little concerned about the way the class is running. Not to say you aren't doing a good job, hoot! No, heavens no, you're doing a fine job, yes indeed. Its just that..."

"Well no need to beat around the bush, just tell me what's on your mind."

"...I feel that we're watching too many movies in class and not doing enough actual learning."

Chip tossed the toothpick into the garbage bin beside his desk, "What kinda grade are you gettin' in this class, Blathers?"

"An A+, sir."

"That's a pretty good mark, wouldn't you say?"

"Why, yes sir, indeed!"

"So what's the fuss about watching movies every now and again?"

"Professor, I believe it would be better if we perhaps had some proper lectures and quizzes and assignments and that sort of thing. Like how other professors teach the material."

"Hmmm, well just between you and me, Blathers, I'm not like other professors around here. Nope! Actually, I only got this job as a part time gig 'cause of my good pal who also works at this here University, nyuk nyuk nyuk!"

Blathers wasn't sure how to react to that revelation.

"I spend most of my days learning about fish in the outdoors, by catching and releasing... Ah, who am I kidding! For me, it's more like catch and eat!"

A Young Academic Named BlathersWhere stories live. Discover now