Chapter 16

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"The final exam is in one week and I want to make sure everyone is well prepared!" Professor Cheeseworth said as he wrote some review information on the chalkboard. Blathers copied every word down in his notebook.

"Therefore, if you have any more questions you should visit me during my office hours. Other than that, class is dismissed! Happy studying."

Blathers finished his note taking and then made his way down the lecture room. Professor Cheeseworth sat in his chair, adjusted his glasses and called Blathers over before he walked out of the room.

"The games event went well, I hope?"

"Ah, yes, Hoot! Quite well I must say in fact!"

"Good, good. I'm glad it was enjoyable. I knew it would be good for you."

"Why, thank you professor, it was quite enjoyable, indeed! I never would have expected to participate, let alone enjoy it. Thanks in part to your encouragements, professor."

"Excellent to hear! Now Blathers, there was something I wanted to discuss with you." He pulled out some documents out of his file folder, "I wasn't sure if I should I even bother bringing this up to you, but judging by your newly found willingness to participate in new life challenges..."

Blathers was intrigued, "Oh yes, please do share, professor."

"I've received notice from the Far Away Museum."

"As is custom to someone in your archeological profession and status, I would imagine."

"Yes, yes, no doubt I receive notice from them often, but this notice is quite unique."

"How so, professor?"

Professor Cheeseworth handed Blathers the letter he had received from the Far Away Museum. Blathers scanned the sheet, "They're having trouble finding a curator?"

"That's correct. Normally it would be quite simple for them to select one for a brand new museum, the opportunity is one that is highly sought after amongst the graduates of this university."

Blathers continued to read the letter, "It seems it's because of the museum's location being far out in the country side."

"Yes, and there aren't many who would be willing to make the move. Especially since the desired start date is so soon. This week in fact."

"Hoot! Yes, that is quite soon. I'm not familiar with the village it's located in, it must be quite far, indeed. But, why are you showing me this letter, Professor? Are you considering taking the job?"

"No, no. I'm far too old for the job, maybe if I was 30 years younger. The reason I'm showing you this letter is because they've asked me to personally recommend someone who I think would perfectly suit the position."

Blathers paused and then handed him back the letter, "Forgive me if I'm mistaken, but... you don't mean to recommend me, do you?"

"If you want the position, I will. I think you'd be perfect, Blathers."

"Eh, Wot? But, I haven't got the experience! I still haven't even completed my PhD yet. Oh my, what would happen with my PhD? "

"It would sadly have to be forfeited. I agree, it is a spontaneous commitment, and it's one that needs to be made now as the Far Away Museum is expecting a response. The choice is ultimately yours, but you have my vote of confidence. I do think you'd be perfect for the job."

Blathers was stunned. He looked at the door leading out of the lecture room. He thought for quite some time, about his doctorate, his hard work getting to where he was now. But where was he? He thought about the path he was on and where it was leading. 

Six years of schooling. Six years of hard work.

"Very well. I am willing to take the position!"

Professor Cheeseworth's eyes widened, "My, did I hear you correctly?"

"You did, Professor! It's time I take leaps of faith in life. This opportunity has arrived in front of me and I shall leap for it!"

"Well, I am quite surprised and very impressed. Very well, Blathers, if you're absolutely sure about this. I've already written up my recommendation for you, I'll send it to them right away and the Far Away Museum should send your credentials to the new museum. You can pick them up upon arrival. My, how exciting this is!"

"Yes, Hoot! I say, this is very exciting, indeed!"

They shook hands and Blathers rushed home to reveal the impetuous news to his family. His mother was a sobbing mess. They thought it had to be a joke, but when Blathers showed them the letter they realized it was really happening, and that Blathers was really dropping everything to pursue this position. Celeste endorsed his abrupt decision, and shared in his excitement. His mother couldn't believe what was happening.

The next day Blathers got up extra early to reveal the news to Kevin.

"Say what now!?" Kevin spat out his protein shake in disbelief.

"That's right! My mind's made up, and I head for the museum today!"

"But... exams are next week! And what about archeology!? Museum curator? This is all so sudden!"

They continued their walk off the campus and to the train station where Blathers' family said they'd meet up with him.

"Hoot! It is sudden, Kevin. Trust me, when Professor Cheeseworth revealed to me this offer I had the same thoughts rush through my mind. My doctorate can wait, but these life adventures cannot. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity and I am finished being too afraid to take chances. And let's face it, I'm far more suited to be running a museum than to be out digging for fossils."

"Well, you do like to ramble on about old artifacts that nobody has much of an interest in." Kevin teased. 

He was half expecting this all to be a prank, but once they arrived at the train station and Kevin saw Blathers' family with his luggage, it fully settled in. Blathers was really departing from the city and into a far away village at the request of the Far Away Museum.

Blathers' mother was crying, his father handed her tissue after tissue. Celeste gave him a hug, "Good luck out there, Blathie. Who knows, maybe some day I'll head out and join you!"

His mother cried even louder at Celeste's remarks. She squeezed Blathers tight and through her tears wished him luck and begged him to take care of himself. His father pulled her off of him and hugged Blathers goodbye as well.

The train had just arrived and it was time to board. Kevin helped Blathers with his luggage.

"Well, buddy. Seems like this is really it then; I wish we had more time together. Congrats on the job, it's pretty unexpected, but I'm proud of you for making the leap. The Blathers I met at the beginning of the semester would never have had the courage to make such a move."

"I can say the same about you, Kevin. You were very much a different person when I first met you. You seem to have found a deeper meaning in your competitions, a new enjoyment in life, and I can see how much you've grown from your experiences. I shall write to you often, make no mistake of that!"

They embraced each other and said farewell. Blathers took a seat on the train and looked out the window. They waved goodbye, Blathers waved back. The train got further and further until he could no longer see them. He was out of the city and entering his new life where new adventures were waiting. 

----- Author's Note -----

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