Chapter 2

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Blathers stepped back from the whiteboard calendar pinned on his bedroom wall. It was finished and it was beautiful. He had colour coated each day indicating when each of his classes occurred as well as highlighting the class hour: Tuesday was Archeology class from 6:00pm to 9:00pm, Wednesdays was Ichthyology class from 3:00pm to 6:00pm, and Fridays was Entomology class from 7:00pm to 10:00pm.

Only three classes this semester, his final semester ever. Once he was finished, he'd graduate and receive his doctorate. Six long years of hard work and thousands of hours studying. Then he could go off and be a real archeologist. Out in the real world, with real fossils. He would even be qualified to identify the discovered fossils. Until then, he would stick to studying and keeping his grades up.

Aside from his archeology class, he didn't care much for ichthyology, but he truly detested the entomology class. If they weren't mandatory for the doctorate offered at Animal University, he would have stayed far away from that one.

"What is Ich..thy..ology?" Asked Celeste who had walked into his room to see what Blathers was admiring.

"It's essentially the study of fish!" He said as he wiped some blemishes from the white board calendar.

"And Entomology?"

"The study of evil, essentially. My program demands I learn as much as possible about both fish and insects as it is a common program that leads to work at the Far Away Museum."

"I can't picture you working at a museum, Blathie."

"Oh, I won't, I aim to be an archeologist, a far more exciting and noble profession!"

Celeste giggled, "I don't think 'Blathers' and 'exciting' are two things that go together."

Blathers turned to her, annoyed, "And what about you? Which career path will you follow, hmm?"

"I've been thinking quite a bit, and I think I've decided on Astrology! ... Or Astronomy. Or maybe both!"

"Eh, wot? Which school have you decided on, if any?"

Celeste started making her way out of his bedroom, "I'm still unsure. One thing I am sure of, however, is that it won't be Animal University. It will be one very very far away!"

Blathers followed her out of his room, "You should really take mum's advice and stay close by. The world is a dangerous place!"

"And you would know, how exactly?"

"Well, I've read plenty! I don't have to be out there like the hoodlums of the city to know of the dangers the world has to offer. No, it's much safer to stay close to home."

Celeste entered her room, "You may not plan on ever leaving the nest, Blathie, but I do." and she shut her door.

Blathers paused in the hall, thinking to himself, "I plan on leaving the nest... of course I do... Eventually."

The hour for his first class approached and Blathers made sure he was early. He stood outside the lecture room doors until the previous class exited out. As the stampede of students burst through the doors, he tried to make his way passed them all to get inside and find a seat right up in the front. Students slowly started to fill the seats and Blathers kept looking at the clock. It was 6:08pm and the professor still hadn't shown.

Finally the professor walked in apologizing for his tardiness and the entire class quieted down. It was Professor Cheeseworth. Blathers sat up straight and smiled at the professor who was getting himself settled at the front podium. The professor didn't seem to have noticed him. He began his lecture and asked everyone to pull out their textbooks.

One of the students beside Blathers started to lean on his shoulder as he was dozing off into sleep. Irritated, Blathers attempted to nudge the student to wake him up, but it was no use. Blathers gave in and allowed his shoulder to be used as a pillow for the duration of the class.

As the class came to a close the professor asked if anyone had any questions. Blathers raised his hand and the professor squinted his eyes trying his best to scan the room. At this point the clock had struck 9:00pm and the entire class stood up with their books already packed and began making their way out of the room.

"Very well class, we will reconvene next week at the same time!" The professor wiped his glasses and started packing up his own books.

Blathers approached the professor and reintroduced himself, "Good evening professor, that was a marvelous lecture. Quite insightful. I believe we've previously met."

The professor put his glasses back on and squinted at Blathers, "Hmm, yes are you the young man who tried to sell me an energy drink? I already said I'm not interested!"

"Eh, wot? No, sir. We met in the school fields yesterday. I... bumped into you near the courtyard."

"Ah, yes you're the young man who's shriek was heard around the world!" he chuckled.

"I do apologize again, professor."

"Nonsense! Nonsense! I'm glad to see a familiar face in my class. I regret to say my vision isn't as it once was, so I'll use the phrase 'seeing you' liberally. So which program are you enrolled in, if you don't mind me asking?"

"I'm finishing my Doctorate in Archeology! This is my final semester here."

"My my, you must be a very studious young man to have endured the trials of this doctorate. Animal University boasts some very prestigious graduates in this field, so the bar is set very high for you, young man." 

"So far things seem to be going well. Your lectures are very interesting and the material is captivating. I'm very much looking forward to entering the field of Archeology. The remainder of my semester, however, I'm not so sure are as enticing. Ichthyology doesn't particularly interest me and to be quite frank, I've heard the professor for that class is rather sluggish. The passing rate of that class is the highest in the entire University, but we all know that can't possibly mean the quality of those graduates is any good. And I don't even know where to begin with my feelings on Entomology-- "

Professor Cheeseworth interrupted, "--Excellent, excellent. Yes, quite. It was very lovely to chat with you but It's getting rather late and I really must be going."

Blathers apologized for rambling and bid the professor farewell. He ran over to his seat and packed away his books.

The first day of class was a success, it was a productive lecture. There were many students still on campus at night. Blathers typically liked to spend time at the library as he'd be awake the rest of the night and the library, in his eyes, was the best place to be. Surrounded by nothing but knowledge. 

He exited the building to make his way across the field and towards the library. Some students were walking around passing out flyers and one of them in a red varsity jacket approached Blathers,

"Hey man, you should totally check out the Games Event later this semester. It's gonna be a week filled with awesome activities and sweet prizes!" The young student said.

"No, thank you!" Blathers attempted to continue walking passed the student, but he waved a flyer in his face.

"C'mon, man, it'll be super rad! Are you first year? It'll be great for you to get to know the school and your peers, man!"

"I've been here for six years actually!" He tried to move out of the student's way.

"Oh, perfect, a vet! You'll have lots of fun, man! You need to get while the getting's good!"

Blathers didn't know what that meant but he took the flyer from the student to make him go away, and it worked. The student ran off to wave a flyer in someone else's face. Blathers glanced at the flyer, "Annual Games Event. Have fun, make friends and win fantastic prizes!" He read aloud.

Blathers chuckled at the flyer and shoved it into his knapsack, "How ridiculous." 

----- Author's Note -----

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