Chapter 6

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It was the start of a brand new week and Blathers found himself relaxing in his favourite place: the Library. He loved the smell of the old wooden furniture. The ambience the library provided was very peaceful. He got quite a bit of studying done and decided to try and give the Entomology project a shot.

He opened the textbook up and it landed on a page with a large photo of a brown cicada. He gagged and quickly flipped the page. He took a few notes, occasionally flipping, occasionally gagging, and saw that he was getting a decent amount of his outline finished. He started to wonder about his debilitating phobia. He turned a page and tried his hardest to stare at the photo of the vile creature. It was a picture of a caterpillar. Or so he thought. He noticed the textbook said something very different.

"A pill bug?" He thought to himself, "That most certainly doesn't look like a pill bug..."

He focused a bit more on the photograph of the caterpillar and it almost looked like it moved. Suddenly, it did start to move. It wasn't a photograph at all. A caterpillar found its way into the book and he had been carelessly flipping the pages completely oblivious. It walked off the page and onto the table he was sitting at. He tried to push his chair out and away from the table, but the leg of the chair got caught on something. The caterpillar inched closer to him. He leapt out of his chair and let out a screech.

The Librarian stuck her head out from behind a bookshelf and walked over to Blathers, tapping him on his shoulder. He looked at her with fear in his eyes and pointed at the book on the table.

"Out!" the Librarian whispered to him.

Blathers picked up his knapsack, carefully reached for his textbook avoiding the caterpillar which was still wriggling on the table, and left the library.

As he was exiting, he stumbled upon Kevin who was with a group of his friends.

Kevin paused as they walked passed him. He recognized Blathers and approached with a puzzled look on his face, "Oh, hey buddy. We were just gonna see what that girl was screaming about in there. Did you see anything?"

Blathers looked at him embarrassed, "No. I didn't see a thing." He walked out of the library and into the field. Kevin said bye to his friends and ran after Blathers who was storming off.

"Hey, Pal! Wait up!"

Blathers ignored him and kept walking.

"Hey bud, since you're here, I was thinking maybe we could figure out a time and place to meet up for the project." He noticed the Entomology textbook in Blathers' hand, "Were you in there working on it just now?"

Blathers paused and turned to face him, "Yes. I was inside getting a head start on the project. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to find a quiet spot where I can continue."

Blathers started walking again. Kevin looked confused and caught up to him, "Whoa, bud. I thought we were going to work on this together? We're partners right?"

"I need to work on this alone, because I can't risk jeopardizing my grade, simply because I was paired up with someone who prioritizes fooling around over---" He walked right into a web hanging off some branches and shrieked just as he had in the library.

Kevin tried to hold back his laughter. A spider fell onto the ground and Blathers started leaping into the air. Kevin stomped on it.

"You're safe now. The big bad monster won't hurt you, bud." he chuckled, "So tell me something, Blathers, because I'm a bit confused, how are you that afraid of bugs and also happen to be in a course that focuses solely on insects?" 

Blathers wiped the remaining web off of his face, "I'm absolutely petrified of insects. If I didn't have to take that class I wouldn't, trust me. Unfortunately, it's mandatory for my program. The university requires anyone who completes the doctorate I'm working towards to also receive credits in both Entomology and Ichthyology. I dream of the day I can finally graduate and receive my PhD in Archeology. I'll finally reach my dreams of becoming an archeologist, but until then I have to complete this stupid Entomology class. So to answer your question, it wasn't my choice. I had no other option but biting the bullet and going through with this class. Why are you taking the course?"

Kevin shrugged, "Well, I'm in the Sports Management Program. I needed another elective and I just thought this class would be an easy A."

Blathers let out a frustrating sigh, "This is why I want to work on the project alone. This isn't serious to you, it's just a class you can fool around in and hope for a passing grade. This is my opportunity, a real opportunity, to reach my goals, and that means something to me. It was a mistake for the professor to pair us up together, we have vastly different work ethics!"

Kevin started getting irritated as well, "Listen Blathers, if you want to work on it on your own, that's fine by me. I don't have a problem cruising through the course and focusing on my own interests, but don't assume you know me or my work ethic. We've barely gotten to know each other and so far you've only assumed to know what I'm like."

"You're popular, you enjoy to revel in horseplay, and you select courses based on how easy you think they are. I've attended this school for almost six years, I've known plenty of students who fit your description. It doesn't matter anyway, we didn't select each other as partners, the professor did. The only thing I'm concerned with at the moment is getting my assignments finished and receiving a good grade."

Kevin shook his head and started walking back to the library, "Forget it. You can do whatever you want. Have fun screaming at every picture in that textbook. If you need help turning the pages, I'll be in the library."

Blathers watched him walk off. He glanced over to the textbook he was holding and felt a sense of regret for his harsh words.

----- Author's Note -----

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