Chapter 14

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Friday came quicker than expected. Blathers and Kevin arrived to class at the same time ready to submit their final report. They were both proud of the work they put into it. Despite the content being traumatic for Blathers, he still pushed through it all and recognized he couldn't have completed the assignment without Kevin's help.

"Ah, yes, thank you gentlemen." Nat received the report and filed it away, "These reports will be graded over the next few weeks, so don't be expecting to receive a grade for it anytime soon!" He relayed to the class.

During the last few weeks of each semester, Blathers would always anticipate receiving his final grades. This time around it was even more nerve-racking for him because it was the final semester of his final degree; truly the end of his academic career.

After class, Kevin congratulated Blathers on the finished report and then said he had to meet up with some of his friends. Blathers congratulated him as well and decided to spend his free time training on his own.

He went out into the field and stretched just how Kevin had taught him. Then he got started on some laps around the library. He kept the pace going, remembering to breathe and to drink plenty of water. After two laps he paused and panted, feeling the sweat droplets accumulate on his forehead. He took some gulps of water from a nearby fountain and ran a third lap around. He could feel his face get hot and the sweat now starting to drop town the sides of his face. His breathing deeper and heavier. He noticed he was slowing each step, but he could see the point from where he started the lap in the distance. He pushed himself to get there. 

He knew Kevin would be proud of his efforts.

It was finally the week of the big games event. The entire week was dedicated to students blowing off steam as the semester's end approached. There were plenty of booths promoting activities, clubs and internships over the summer as well as the typical carnival games such as ring toss and whack-a-mole. There was a dunk tank with a number of professors participating, as well as the bug off and fishing tourney run by Professor Nat and Professor Chip.

"Heya boys, you two looking to win some prizes? Come catch yourselves a big one! ... Or small one I suppose. The only body of water around was the fountain so we had to use small fishies, nyuk nyuk nyuk!" Professor Chip called out as Blathers and Kevin walked passed his booth.

"Sorry Prof, we've got somewhere to be! Thanks anyway!" Kevin replied. They were both headed to the area the challenges were being hosted. Blathers was very nervous, but Kevin continued to reassure him that everything would be fine, "We've got this, buddy. It's what we've been training for!"

The hosts of the challenges welcomed Blathers and Kevin to day one of the challenge week. There were only two teams participating as nobody wanted to go up against Eugene and his partner.

"I'm surprised! I didn't think you'd actually show up!" Eugene laughed as he high-fived his partner. Kevin rolled his eyes, "Don't listen to them, Blathers. He's just trying to get in our heads."

Eugene adjusted his sunglasses and took off his leather jacket, tossing it to the side. Kevin took off his vest and placed it on the ground as well. Eugene scoffed, "Copying me won't help you win little buddy. I suppose imitation is the sincerest form of flattery."

"I was getting hot too!" Kevin protested.

"You can do it!" A familiar voice cried out from the sidelines. It was Celeste. She was standing by with a crowd of spectators, holding a sign that said "Go Kevin!"

Kevin gave her a perplexed look and Blathers face palmed with embarrassment.

The host tied one of Kevin and Blathers' legs together and did the same to Eugene and his partner. Once they were explained the rules and the route they were to take, they set off a horn and the three legged race had begun. Blathers tried his best to keep up with Kevin. Kevin was lost in the moment and didn't realize he should try to adjust his speed to help Blathers keep up.

Eugene and his partner moved in sync. They were completely simpatico and Blathers noticed they were getting ahead. Kevin tried to focus on the finish line. Blathers felt his heart racing as he tried to keep up with every step Kevin took. Kevin's strides were longer and quicker, and eventually Blathers stumbled. As a result, Kevin dropped too. Eugene reached the finish line and the horn went off again. They'd lost by quite a distance. Kevin slammed his fists on the grass. Blathers apologized profusely.

"Don't worry, bud, we'll get 'em next challenge. It's only the first day."

Blathers was very disappointed with his performance, but vowed to make up for it on the next challenge.

The next day arrived and they resumed their positions in the area the challenge was held. The water balloon challenge. This time, one of them had to run across an area and pick up a water balloon, which there were plenty of laid around, and toss it to their partner ensuring not to cross a white line painted out on the grass. The partner would then catch it and burst it into their team bucket. After 10 minutes the buckets would be weighed and the team with the heaviest bucket would be declared the winner.

The horn went off and so were the competitors. Blathers would be the one catching the balloons and Kevin would be the one running around picking up as many as he could hold and tossing them. Blathers failed to catch quite a few of them, but Eugene's partner had trouble as well. Eugene and Kevin frequently crossed paths, and at one point Eugene set his foot out to trip Kevin. Kevin, however, leaped right over the trap of Eugene's outstretched foot and snagged some more balloons.

When the 10 minutes were up, the weighing began. It was quite close but Kevin and Blathers won the second challenge by only a few ounces of water.

The third day came and this challenge was a breeze for Kevin. The slushy drinking contest. One Kevin had done in his free time many times. Eugene struggled to get the frigid drink down but for Kevin it was a piece of cake. He chugged each of the large cups before Eugene could get halfway, winning them the third challenge. Kevin and Blathers were now in the lead.

"Let's go!" Kevin cheered, high fiving Blathers. They were both celebrating and Blathers was very excited.

"Quite exhilarating!" Blathers jumped around cheering gleefully.

"Hooray!" Celeste was in the crowd holding her sign and cheering.

The fourth day arrived and it was the penultimate challenge. The frisbee toss. Each team mate would go through their own baskets and toss the frisbee into the chain link net. The designated nets were colour coated indicating different points. Kevin and Blathers had the blue frisbees and Eugene and his partner had the red frisbees.

The horn went off and they each began to grab and toss a frisbee. Kevin went for the nets worth more points. Blathers went for the ones that were closer, but worth less points. The challenge was over and the points were tallied up. Eugene's team go the most frisbee points.

They were now tied, with each team having two points. Blathers had hoped they'd performed better this round considering how much their aim had improved during the second challenge.

The only thing left now was the fifth and final challenge.

----- Author's Note -----

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