ch. 8 • a break

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I guess it was shock at first, not anything else. I couldn't get to thinking about anything else. Every time I thought of Roman being an upir, I freaked out. You always hear stories about vampires living in mysterious, isolated castles and wearing clothes from the Victorian era. You don't ever expect to actually live with one. I wondered how many people knew. I know Pryce did, and from what I witnessed that day, I knew Pryce probably cleaned up after Roman and Olivia multiple times before.

I decided to avoid Roman again. He didn't really ask me to go to any of his events or to the White Tower again, so I guess that was convenient. But I still couldn't process it. He fed on blood. Actual blood. From humans. How is any normal person supposed to make sense of that. If I knew this was the case, I would never have married him. I would stay far, far, far away from him and his little world.

I thought of how different my life was three and a half months ago. I was struggling to continue school. The money I had saved since 16 was running out. If I couldn't pay, I would get kicked out of the program. And I couldn't take up loans. And that's when I ran into Olivia Godfrey. It happened by chance, if you believe in that.

Olivia came into the university I applied to because the Godfrey Institute was partnering with the university to take interns. I had penned a letter to one of my professors. A good-bye letter, letting him know I was leaving. And I wrote thank you cards to my other instructors too basically stating the same thing. I dropped the letter off a few minutes before Olivia walked into the same office.

The professor probably shared something with Olivia because she was quick to reach out to me by that afternoon. She talked about the good reputation I had and was all nice. I was confused but excited when she offered me an offer. The offer of this contract marriage. The dumbest, most stupid thing I walked into and now was bound to for two years.

I decided to continue spending late nights at the university, studying and assisting in research just to gain experience. Less time in that mansion, less possibilities of bumping into Roman. Thankfully, I still didn't know where his room was. And I didn't need to know. I would never enter it anyway.

One night, when I walked into the kitchen without thought to grab a late-night snack, I saw Roman searching for something in the fridge. Should've left but didn't.

He took out a cylinder and began drinking it. Upon closer look, I realized it was blood. The images of that dead man, the bloody floor, him there with his blood-stained shirt came back and I yelled "No!". Roman turned around and looked at me.

"What are you doing here?" he creased his eyebrows.

"No, no, no!" I covered my ears, shut my eyes, and yelled. With my lost appetite, I ran back into my room. This was getting too much.

______ _ _ _ _ ______

"Are you absolutely sure this is okay?" Letha asked as she helped put my suitcase in the trunk.

"Not really, but it seems best. For now."

"Why are you leaving?" she asked.

" I just need a break. You know how he is," I said.

Letha shook her head. " I'm sorry he's horrible to you. I could try talking to him."

"Please don't. I don't want you to get yourself involved to and for him to be mad at you. It's fine."

"Alright," Letha whispered as we were on our way to her house.

I needed a break from Roman, from the fact that he drinks blood. It was getting to my head, and I found myself not being able to focus on anything at all.

The angry phone call came later that day, when I was done with classes and heading to work at the lab. I reluctantly picked up.

"Is what Conway said true?" I could sense Roman gritting his teeth in pure anger.

"Yes. I need a break," I softly said.

"Oh, well I don't see taking a break in the fucking contract. That's not part of this deal."

That ticked me off. He always has to bring the stupid contract up. "I don't see you and Olivia being vampires in the contract either." I hung up the phone. Roman repeatedly called, but I refused to pick up. Eventually I just switched off my phone.

At the lab, I heard some of the researchers and assistant professors discussing a new idea. One of them called me.

"Liana, you have been working with us for quite some time and giving your best. We noticed that, so we were thinking, would you like to assist us in a new project we are going to research and test out? We are trying to find non-surgical ways to stop people from overeating."

I pondered over their question." May I reply tomorrow?"

"Of course you may. We just thought because you have been putting in so many hours outside of class into helping us, this would be exciting for you."

"Thank you," I said as I went back to work.

After lab, I came out, grabbed my backpack and was heading to my car when I saw him. It was raining outside, and he was drenched. His eyes looked intensely at me. He was angry. I shuddered at the thought of what he would do, but if he killed me, so be it. At least I wouldn't have to live with him anymore.

I started walking towards Roman. He didn't do anything until I got very close. That's when he yanked my wrist and dragged me to his car.

"Why are you here?" I asked him, softly. If he could be mad, I could be mad too.

"You know exactly why. Stop with your little pretending and come home."

"That's your home, not mine," I said. " Leave me alone."

"Liana I swear you'll regret this. Your stubbornness isn't pretty. You're coming home."

Roman was focusing on starting the car. I saw my chance and got out and ran into my own. I thought he would come after me, but he didn't. And I didn't wait for him to. If he really wanted me to come back, he knew where I was staying.

just for a bloody contract  | Roman Godfrey auWhere stories live. Discover now