ch. 9 • why can't he be normal

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I stormed into Letha's house, ready to vent. There was no Letha, but Peter sat on the couch, shoving a bag of chips into his mouth.

"Hey ya, how's marriage going?" Peter asked me playfully, smiling. He knew this answer, but he just had to tease me.

"Well, considering I tied the knot with a psychopath, marriage is going pretty great. I'm alive and at this point that's more than enough," I replied sarcastically. "I don't know how much longer I'll live though."

"Spill," Peter said, understanding that I just needed to talk to someone right now.

"He had the audacity to come to the university. How dare he. Ughh, he makes me so mad," I said as I plopped into the couch beside Peter's. "Every day I regret this more and more. Can't your friend, I don't know, be a little more normal?"

" You're literally talking to a werewolf so-"

"Okay yeah but you're not constantly, you know, werewolf-y," I said. "Look at you- you are doing great. You have a stable relationship with your girlfriend, you're nice enough to listen to me, you're succeeding in life."

"Uh, not sure if I'd call it succeeding but sure, sure, I'll take the credit," Peter nodded his head and ate more chips. "Is this about him being an upir or about his lack of anger management?"

"Both, I guess." I stared up at the ceiling. "I just can't get over the fact that he's, you know, that he actually drinks blood. And he's killed people. 7 people! And he was so casual about it. Who the hell except a psychopath is okay with killing 7 people??"

"Do you really think he enjoys it?" Peter asked, putting down his chips.

"Well from the way he decided to tell me everything, I don't think he cares at all," I sighed.

"What do you know about me?" asked Peter, getting up from his couch and sitting on the ground in front of mine.

"That you're a werewolf and I better digest it."

"Well, sounds like you need some details."

Peter then proceeded to tell me about himself. Him being of Romanian descent in part of a group of what people would call gypsies. How he started turning into a wolf on the full moon and turned back. Apparently it took lots of energy and the few days after he turned, he would need to sleep a lot and sometimes he ate raw meat. I cringed at the raw meat part, but other than that, it was more acceptable. So what if he turned into a wolf once in a while. He was still kind. He was still understanding. He still loved Letha and was kind to her.

"Also, I need to tell you that Roman hates who he is. He hates Olivia. This isn't even his fault, it's that Olivia's. I fucking hate that bitch. I really really do. She holds mutual feelings for me, of course. She tried separating me from Roman on the basis of financial status. She's the reason half of Shelley's face looks like a monster."

"I get that, but she's not the reason Roman needs to be so mean it cruel to everyone. He can learn to take responsibility for his own actions and maybe act like a decent human being." I huffed.

"That's how he's always been. He's essentially the prince of this town. He's spoiled, he gets what he wants. But trust me, he battles with his blood-thirst way more than I ever even spend time thinking about me being a wolf. You don't even know how much he's cried and begged Pryce to help him."

"Roman cries and begs? You expect me to believe that?" I rolled my eyes at Peter. "Nice joke."

"I swear he did. I was there. It's consuming him from the inside. But trust me, he's 10 times better now than he was when he first turned. That first year was hell for him," Peter explained.

"And now he's paying forward that hell to me. I'm tired, and I need to study. But thanks for listening," I said as I got up.

"Yeah. I hope things can work out between the both of you," Peter said.

"Or you can hope that these two years are over and I can forget about him ever being in my life," I said back and walked to the guest room where I was staying. And just in time because right after, the doorbell rang multiple times. I knew who was here and immediately shut my door.

 ►▸note: thank you so much for reading this far!! I appreciate each and every one of you  

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