ch. 13 • rage and conversations

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I got a headache from all the crying and from eating nothing practically all day. I got up and drank some water and decided to take a shower.

Right then, my door almost flew open and a very, very angry Roman stood on the other side. You could feel the heat from his eyes. He was furious.

"You didn't hold up your part of the contract. You are supposed to accompany me and stay with me. And you ran away. I was right about you. You are a gold-digger. You just want my fucking money and all the nice pretty things but you don't ever want to do anything for me."

With that Roman, came closer and closer to me. With his legs, it only took him a few strides. My heart started beating fast again but this time out of pure fear. But I wasn't going to let him win.

"I told you I was sick. I told you, didn't I? I can't control my body, Roman. If I feel sick, I feel sick. Are you 5? Do you not understand that?"

"What do you think everyone thought when you just ran away like a little coward and left me there, huh?"

"Who cares. You were having the time of your life with other women anyway."

"Do you realize how scared I got for a moment when you just disappeared? Not once but twice tonight. How'd you get home? "

"Why should any of this matter to you? You don't care about me at all. Stop pretending to," I started crying again. I guess I should tell him.

"Before you say you care, do you know I hadn't eaten all day? Do you know I had anxiety if going into this party? It I really was a gold-digger like you keep calling me, maybe those sapphire earrings and that $9000 dress would've kept me satisfied but guess what. It didn't. It fucking didn't. I don't even want all those. You know that. And on top of that, you keep making me feel all these things I don't understand then go talk to other pretty girls. But you won't understand all that. You won't understand anything. Leave me alone. I don't want to talk."

Roman grabbed me by my shoulders and slammed me against the wall.

"What are you talking about. This was all in the contract. I am not doing anything outside of it. You signed it. You talked to Olivia. These are all excuses." I could feel the heat fuming from his breath. He really was raging with anger. His fingers dug into my shoulders, making them hurt.

"Yeah, if Olivia had given me a chance to lay out any conditions. Did she not tell you she let me speak once? During the meeting, she laid out the rules. She wrote the whole thing. She let me talk only once and that to say if I agreed or not. That was all I said. Go and ask her if you don't believe me."

I tried to free myself from Romans grip but he was too strong. He looked me in the eyes. They were red. He still gritted his teeth.

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"Did you ever let me talk to you? No. You just keep showing anger at me, yell at me, and hate me. And lucky for you, I am starting to hate you too. And stay away from me. That's what you've always wanted. Well, the feeling's mutual now."

Roman let go of my shoulders but none of us moved.

His facial features softened. "You don't mean that."

"Yes, yes I do. I'm tired of you. I'm tired of repeatedly getting hurt by you, I'm tired of you telling me what to do all the time. I'm tired of you yelling at me and insulting me. I'm tired of never being to understand you. You being horrible to me ever since we met was not in the fucking contract, and I've tolerated it for a long time now. I'm tired that I keep falling for something about you and then it shatters." My eyes widened. I didn't mean to say that aloud. That was only for me to know.

just for a bloody contract  | Roman Godfrey auWhere stories live. Discover now