ch. 11 • returning to the routine

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Shelley smiled wide when she saw me in the kitchen. "Liana! I am so glad you came back. I missed you!" she said as she gave me a hug.

"I missed you too, Shell. Sorry I left."

"It was only a week and a half. I've been painting a lot since you were gone."

"Really? Show me," I told her, as we went upstairs.

As soon as Shelley opened the door to her room, I was in awe. There were canvases big and small, all with paintings that immediately gave me peace. There were bright pictures of sunflowers, of a meadow filled with daisies, of a cloudy sky. She was so talented.

"Shelley, these are gorgeous! I always knew you were talented, but I didn't know you were this talented! Did you show your brother?" Shelley shook her head.

"Why not?" I asked.

"He's been staying in his room, and most of the time, he was drunk," Shelley answered softly.

I tried not to get mad at Roman, but his behavior was so childish, it angered me. Imagine not giving your sister any time and instead retreating to your old habits. I decided to give the topic a rest and instead talk to Shelley about more pleasant things.

I hadn't noticed how much time passed until Shelley's door opened and I heard, "Shell, you are you laughing with?" Roman's expression changed from confused to surprised.

"You're here?" he said. His eyes fell on the wedding ring I was wearing, and the confused look came back on his face.

"Yeah, I couldn't bother Letha much longer. Besides, I missed Shelley," I said, smiling at her.

"Fair enough," Roman spun his head around and walked out. Shelley shrugged.

"I know. I can't ever tell what he's thinking either," I said.

I decided maybe I should take the wedding ring off. It was beautiful, but it felt weird to wear it around Roman. I didn't want him to assume things that weren't true. His only redeeming quality at this point was his looks, but that couldn't compensate at all for his horrible attitude. He hasn't apologized to me, at all. Or even tried rectifying his behavior. I couldn't lie and say I hated him, though. I don't know what about him was so captivating. I did have a crush on him. But I couldn't let that become anything more. Not with the way everything was.

I cooked dinner that night. Nothing fancy, just some baked ziti with red sauce. Shelley liked it, and I thought it was something I should do to try to apologize for being away. It was sort of selfish of me not to think of her.

"This was delicious, thank you, Liana," Shelley said, putting her hand on her tummy.

"You made this?" Roman raised his eyebrows.

"Well, yeah. I haven't really cooked anything since I came here, so I figured it was a good idea to."

"It was good," Roman mumbled. Was it really that hard to compliment someone. But I guess it was more than enough coming from Roman Godfrey.

"Thanks," I replied.

After dinner, Roman called me to the study again. He lit a cigarette, even though I told him I didn't like it. Guess he didn't care. Should've known that by now.

"In two days, it's uh, my father's birthday. JR Godfrey. And there's a party at the White Tower that we need to attend. So be ready for that."

"Your father?" I asked out of curiosity. I was expecting something snarky back, but instead, Roman gave me a good explanation.

"Yeah, he founded the institute and worked pretty closely with Pryce. When I was little, I saw him shoot his brains out. I didn't understand why. But then I grew up and realized what a fucking monster Olivia is. I didn't have to know exactly why he did that, but I can guarantee it had to do with Olivia."

"Oh, I'm so sorry. That must've been traumatizing. He was very smart if he opened the institute. And he must be proud of you for carrying the company over into greatness," I said. How else do you react to that?

Roman put his cigarette down. "Yeah. Anyway, do you have anything to wear to the gala?"

I shook my head. "Nothing I can wear at a classy evening party."

"I'll get something sent to you then. Well, don't you have to go do your PA stuff?"

"Yeah, yeah I do," I said.

"Wait," Roman stopped me. "Your wedding ring?"

"Oh, well, I wore it just because, but the more I think about it, the more I feel like it's not the right time."

"You only have a year and a half to go, so you better find the right time out soon."

I got sad at what he said. Shouldn't I be happy? He'll be out of my life in a year and a half. I didn't have the energy to think of a reply, so I just left.

_ _ ________ _ _

"$9000?? Really?!" I looked wide-eyed at Roman. "What was the need?"

"You needed a dress and I got you one," Roman said casually.

"Yeah but that doesn't mean you spend this much money on a dress." I looked at the off-the-shoulder, sparkling silver dress, embellished with Swarovski crystals. When I said I needed a dress, I just wanted something I could wear to a party.

"Don't sweat it. I'm not a peasant. I could afford to buy 10 more of these in a heartbeat," Roman clicked his tongue and looked at me, mildly amused. He was so full of himself.

I rolled my eyes. "Besides the point," I said. "I'm not wearing that. I'll buy something less expensive for myself."

"Liana, stop being a baby. You're going to a party dedicated to your pretend father-in-law, at the place your husband owns, with your husband. You may not be used to this, but I'm telling you, that's what happens at these parties, and you need to look like you're my wife."

I couldn't use the "Are you telling me I'm poor" line because essentially I was. And he was paying for my education. So yes, I was poor. So instead I shut my mouth.

"Fine, you win. I'll wear it," I said.

"Good, I'll be waiting," Roman nodded and headed out the door. He would always make his final say and head out the door, so I couldn't get the chance to ever say anything else. It was frustrating.

I looked over at the dress. "He's so weird to be spending this much money on someone he hates. But to each their own," I said aloud to myself. 

just for a bloody contract  | Roman Godfrey auWhere stories live. Discover now