ch. 10 • u-turn

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I put my ear against the door to listen to whatever was happening outside. Luckily, it seemed like I could hear everything.

"Peter, don't come in between this. Just tell me where she is," Roman demanded.

"Woah, talk to me," Peter said.

"There's nothing to talk about. It's pretty obvious. She's avoiding her inconveniences and ran here like a coward."

"Uh, wouldn't you think it's a little freaky if you find out the person you're quote-unquote married to drinks blood?"

"I'm literally talking to a werewolf so-"

"Yeah but I don't go around being all werewolf-y" Peter said. I laughed. He stole my line. "Relax, she'll come around. You're only scaring her more by doing all of this. Give her some time to actually let her mind calm down from suddenly knowing you're an upir."

"You sure?" Roman asked.

"Absolutely positive. Give her some time, okay?" Peter reassured Roman.

Then I heard the door close. He was gone. Peter had done it. I slowly opened the door and went and hugged Peter.

"Thank you!" I said. "I wish he'd be as understanding."

"Give him some time too," Peter said. "He's learning. I can promise you he is."

I nodded. "Alright. I guess I'll go back to studying. For real this time."

_ _ ______ _ _ 

After reviewing my notes and doing flashcards a few days later, I decided to go through my jewelry box. It's been a while since I opened the box, and I had no idea why I brought it to Letha's, but I did. While rummaging through to find two identical earrings in a tangle of necklaces, I spotted my wedding ring. A beautiful dainty diamond surrounded by smaller diamonds, sitting on a thin gold band. It was a dream ring. And possibly the only part of this marriage with actual substance.

I decided the jewelry box was no place for the ring. It was beautiful and meant to be worn. I felt undeserving and based on all the circumstances of this marriage, wearing the ring felt pretentious almost, but I did anyway. I didn't realize how quickly people would notice.

The first was Letha, of course. She being her innocent, soft self, lit up immediately. I had to tell her why I wore it and how it had no connection to the marriage itself. Her enthusiastic smile faded and was replaced by one of admiration for the ring. "It's beautiful," she said. "It does the rest of you justice."

The second to notice was Daniel. Daniel still had lunch with me from time to time, but it wasn't the same as before. Of course, if Roman Godfrey decided to threaten to kill me, I'd probably feel the same.

"Wedding ring, huh? Guess your issues with him are sorted?" Daniel said.

"We're working around it," I lied. It was much easier than explaining all of the upir stuff and me moving out.

"You know, he cares about you. I mean, if he didn't, he wouldn't be so bothered by another guy being close to his wife. That or insecurity."

"Or thinking I'm some type of object that needs to be owned by him," I blurted out, then putting a hand on my mouth. "I'm sorry, that wasn't meant to come out."

"Hey, it's good. I figured things still weren't right between the both of you. And I know I shouldn't interfere, but I'd just say be patient with him. Maybe, try to put yourself in his shoes. And this goes for any relationship," Daniel advised.

"Daniel?" I started.

"Hmm?" he answered back.

"If you're so good with relationship advice, why are you single? Just curious. I mean, you're so mature and wise and kind. I don't understand why you're single."

"Well, I had a girlfriend up until last year," Daniel said, his voice getting softer and shaky. "Her name was Grace. She radiated kindness wherever she went. And she was always so patient and sweet. She passed away due to a car accident."

"I-I'm so sorry," I mumbled. "I didn't mean to-"

"No, no, it's fine. She would've loved meeting you. You two would probably be very close. I miss her every day," Daniel quit eating his lunch and just stared out, his eyes almost watery.

I wrapped an arm around him. "I know you do. She would've been proud of the person you've become. She's probably looking down and sending you a million kisses right now."

Daniel smiled. "Yeah, if anything, it's definitely taught me that tomorrow isn't promised. So you need to keep your relationships with everyone good from your side. You can't wait until tomorrow."

You can't wait until tomorrow.

"I'll miss you," Letha said as she hugged me. "It was fun having you over."

"Well, I can come crash and eat all the food in your house anytime," I laughed. "Only a call away."

"Give Shelley a kiss from me. And tell her I'll take her to the library tomorrow. And Peter's coming along too. I'm assuming you can't?"

"Yeah, I have work. But thank you for the offer!" I said as I gave Letha one more hug.

One the way to Roman's house, I called up one of the professors. "Hello? I want to work on that project you proposed to me."

just for a bloody contract  | Roman Godfrey auWhere stories live. Discover now