ch. 37 • wrong move

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Part of me wanted to run up to him and hug him tightly. The other part wanted to slap him and ask why he abandoned me and why he couldn't have just sent a lawyer to me. Instead, I made my face seem expressionless too and asked, "What are you doing here?"

"I came to see you," he answered, his head hanging low.

I let out a sigh. "Well, I've graced you with my presence. You can leave."

"It's about the contract," Roman said.

"Right, of course," I stated in a matter-of-fact manner. "Hand me a pen from my desk, and I'll sign it."

"Are you feeling better?" he asked, looking for the pen.

"It doesn't matter. We're not here to discuss feelings, Godfrey. Give me the papers and get out."

He let out an audible sigh. I pretended not to care when deep inside, I wanted nothing more than him telling me to just forget all this and take me back. One can wish. I thought it was so strange that I, once, hated the thought of living in that mansion. And now, it had become the place I was happy. Sucks to attach your feelings to someone who didn't do relationships. And someone you knew would leave you right after this contract was over.

Roman got a simple, cheap ball pen and handed me a file. I took the file and read through the fine print. Surely, it was all about ending the contract. He had already signed it. Holding my breath, I signed the papers too. The deal was finished. I was back to being Liana Blinds.

"There you go," I said. "You can go now. Bye."

Instead of taking the file and leaving, Roman crouched down beside my bed. Oh no. What was it this time.

"Liana, we need to talk." Again?

"No," I said angrily, looking the other way. "We've talked enough. You're single now. Go pop a bottle of champagne. Go to the club. Get drunk. Bring a girl home. And leave me alone."

Roman took my hand and put the both of his around it. I tried to yank it away, but he was strong.

"Listen, please."

There were hot, angry tears coming out of my eyes now. Not sad, but the ones that come out when you're frustrated. "Roman, I don't have the energy right now."

"At least you said my name," he said. His voice was so gentle. It was surprising, but I just didn't even want to deal with him now. This was too much.

"Please, please. I'm trying my very best to stay away from Hemlock Grove and everyone. Don't reverse everything I've done so far." I shut my eyes, still looking the other way.

"Liana, I'm sorry I had to leave you. I'm so sorry for all the pain I put you through. You did so much for me, and then I fucked it all up." Roman paused. "I was so stupid for what I did a few weeks ago. Everything that I did. I'm so, so, sorry."

I opened my eyes, turned my head, and finally looked at him. "Why are you even telling me all this? It's over. We're done."

"No, listen," he said, squeezing my hand. "I'm sorry about losing it. But the main reason why I was just so scared was you did all that for me. You went and actually spent all that time trying to help me. And then you gave it to Pryce. Just so he would stop asking me for money. Why?"

"I don't know," I lied, my voice heavy. "I don't know."

"And when I found out, I was just stressed. I tried to control myself, but you can't just give away your talents like that for me. And I figured, if we could end the contract, you'll be gone. You can start a new life. You'll be fine," Roman said, his voice starting to crack. "You'll be better off without me."

"You wanted me gone for that?" I let out a laugh in confusion. "You are so dumb."

Roman looked at the ceiling. "Yeah, I know. I tried to stay these two weeks without you. And even though I spend most of my time at work, just your presence made a difference. Every time Comway would say you did something in the kitchen. Or every time I heard Shelley laugh and knew you were the cause of that. I don't know why it made such a difference."

I looked at him. "Roman, you made me sign the papers. You did too."

"Yeah, I know. I don't want Olivia's awful contract hanging around your life and burdening it. You were used. And I had been horrible to you. And in the beginning, I thought you were the worst thing that ever happened. Then you showed me you didn't really want my money. Instead, you just gave yourself away. Like that. How are you this selfless?"

I shook my head. "I'm not selfless. I just wanted to do this thing for you."

Roman closed his eyes in frustration then opened them again. "But why?"

I swallowed and then looked at my blanket. "I fell in love with you." I drew a deep breath and then said, "I tried, okay?? I tried telling myself you've never been in a relationship. You're not even a full human anymore. You were moody, angry, and you killed people. But it- it just didn't work out with this stupid brain of mine. And I hadn't realized this until the night of the charity event. But it was too late. And now I signed the papers. So we're done."

I then looked at him. Roman loosened his grip on my hand and just looked at me, shocked. After seconds of just looking at me, he said, "You love me?"

I nodded. "I'll get over you though. You get over girls pretty quickly. How hard could it be?" I knew it was going to be the hardest thing I've ever had to do. Even harder than PA school.

That's when Roman, without saying anything else, got up and left. Great. I shouldn't have told him.

Ugh, Liana. Why'd you tell him? You already ended the contract! There was absolutely no need for you to bare your heart out to him. Stupid, stupid mouth and heart.

just for a bloody contract  | Roman Godfrey auWhere stories live. Discover now