ch. 12 • why don't you just stab my heart

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Roman's arm snaked around my waist as we entered the grand lobby where the gala was held in his late father's honor. All eyes were immediately on him, which meant they were on me too. I tried to hide my fears beneath the $9000 elegant dress and the sapphire earrings and opted for a graceful smile instead. Roman took me to the side, not away from everyone but definitely not at the center like we were. It didn't matter either way because most eyes were still on us.

He wore that same cologne he wore the day we got married. It smelled intoxicating, really. I noticed this time around, he didn't flirt with his eyes with anyone in the room, and some of the women there were absolutely stunning. Instead, he gripped me tighter.

"You look beautiful. Like a diamond in the middle of soot and plastic." My eyes met with his and if I could blush, I definitely would've. He never complimented me before.

Then he turned me around to face him and gently touched my lips with his own. There goes my first kiss. He removed his arm from my waist and used both his hands to hold either side of my face. His lips were the softest and most gentle thing I've ever felt. My heart was pounding like it never did before, and I smiled into the kiss. He pulled away soon after, leaned into my ear and said, "I just started fires everywhere. Good job. I'll go get a drink."

With that, the real smile fell off my face and was quickly replaced by the fake one. My heart sunk just as fast as it started fluttering. It was all for show. It felt so real. He was so gentle. But he didn't mean any of it. This marriage is a joke to him. Like it should've be to me. Ughh, why was I so stupid!!

I swallowed and went to the bathroom. I couldn't take it anymore. Once I got their, I took off the earrings and shoved them in the purse. Too bad I couldn't strip off this dress too. I started to cry. I didn't mean to. I know, I know, how dramatic.  But when the heart hurts, there's little to nothing you can do about it.

My phone buzzed five minutes in. It was him. I didn't answer but texted him that I was in the restroom. I did my best to make it not look like I just cried. Five minutes wasn't at all enough time, but I guess it would have to wait.

I stepped out still wearing that stupid fake smile as I looked at the crowd of strangers. All the women looked jealous of me. If only they knew. They'd pity me to death.

I trudged over to the bar where I found my dear husband having a blast with one of the ladies. Great. He calls me over here to observe him and his new lady-love. I rolled my eyes. I was tired, and I've had enough. I walked over to him and whispered "Can we talk?". At first he ignored me. The second time I asked louder and with more intensity in my voice. It worked. Roman excused himself and took me into the veranda where it was less noisy.


"I want to go home," I said.

"We literally got here 10 minutes ago."

"I'm feeling sick and want to go home."

"Well when I feel sick, I don't just decide to stop paying for your schooling, do I? You're not keeping your end of the contract."

"Roman, I'm going to throw up."

"Then do so right here. We're not going anywhere."

With that, he left. Presumably to the bar to chat up with some other beauty. I didn't stop to check. I moved as quickly as I could out of the Tower and threw up in the bushes. This whole night was making me physically ill. I decided I was going to walk to the mansion. If Roman wasn't going to take me, I'd find some other way. I thought of calling Peter but knew he and Letha were supposed to be on a date. Never mind, I can do this by myself. 

I started to walk in the dark. What happened at the lobby played over and over. He kissed me, he told me good job, I cried, he doesn't care. I was so mad at myself for letting my guard down so quickly. Thankfully he didn't know. If he did, knowing him, he'd probably use it to his full advantage and trample over me.

Heaven knows how far I walked but my feet were starting to kill me, and I hadn't eaten anything all night, so I was growing weak. Maybe this was a bad idea. I saw a car in the distance. Normally I'd advocate against hitchhiking but this was my only way to Roman's house.

The car stopped and the window rolled down. Out of all people, it was Daniel. And out of all nights, this was the night I was most glad to see him.

"Liana, what on earth are you doing right here like this? Come on in!" I followed. " You should be happy it was me. You really shouldn't be alone. Where do you want to go?"

"Roman's ho- I mean, my house," I corrected myself. " Roman's house, my house, same thing," I smiled sheepishly. If only. "I can assure you he's not home this time around. I almost feel guilty for asking you to do this. Hope you don't get deja vu."

"Liana, I'd rather get blasted by your husband than you being here alone in the middle of the night. It's not safe, and as your friend, I consider it my responsibility to make sure I can do anything to help."

I nodded and began thinking. Should I text Roman? Should I not? I decided not to. He doesn't care if I live or die anyway. In fact, if I die, he'd probably be the happiest. The deal's off, his money's saved, I'm gone, and he could go back to being a playboy.

Daniel didn't talk much on the way. He figured out I needed time alone. When we were almost there, I told him, "Thank you. You don't realize how much this means to me."

"Hey, of course, anytime. See you on Monday, lunch partner." I smiled and got out.

After going inside, I made my way straight to my room, took off the dress, changed into a long cotton shirt, and plopped down on my bed. I started to cry. At how stupid I am. Why on earth was I like this. I hated signing that bloody contract. Marrying Roman Godfrey was by far the worst mistake of my life.

►▸note: sorry I haven't updated in a few days. was too busy watching avatar: the last airbender. if you haven't watched it, WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!?

just for a bloody contract  | Roman Godfrey auWhere stories live. Discover now