Chapter Eleven - Scars

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**Just a bit of a warning there
is a bit of heavy petting in this chapter, you've been warned!**
- Tayls

Guilt ate away at Adriel the rest of the way to Helm's Deep. She had watched Aragorn grow up. She had taught him how to use a sword and how to hunt, and now she had failed him. Tears stung her eyes as she thought of the dark haired man that she had long ago promised to protect. Adriel wore an expressionless mask as they rode through the giant stone gates of Helm's Deep.

"Make way for Theoden. Make way for the king!" a man by the name of Gamling shouted as the men filed through the gate. They rode through a narrow stone passage, the horses hoof falls echoing through the air. Adriel pulled Hasufel to a stop in a large courtyard area, Legolas and Gimli stopped beside her alongside Theoden. Men quickly swarmed the group of soldiers and grabbed their horses' reins. Adriel slid down from Hasufel's back and patted the grey stallion's neck before turning, the Witch jumped and took a step back as she nearly ran into Eowyn. The woman's grey eyes were filled with excitement and more riders filed into the small courtyard.

"So few. So few of you have returned," she uttered as her gaze shifted from the men back to Adriel. Adriel clenched her jaw shut and looked to the side, unable to meet Eowyn's gaze.

"Our people are safe, we have paid for it with many lives," Theoden said from beside Adriel as he moved to help an injured soldier from down from his horse. Legolas and Gimli both appeared by Adriel's side, Legolas's hand wrapped tightly around her own.

"My lady," Gimli said in a softer tone than usual. Eowyn turned from Theoden to look at the Dwarf, a wave of confusion crossed her face as she looked at the trio.

"Lord Aragorn, where is he?" she asked softly. Adriel could feel Eowyn staring at her. Adriel shook her head as she fought off tears, the Witch tore her eyes away from the ground.

"He fell," Adriel's voice wavered as she looked up to Eowyn. The woman's eyes grew wide, trying to comprehend what Adriel had just said. Eowyn suddenly wrapped her arms around Adriel's neck, pulling her into a tight hug as she cried into the crook of Adriel's neck. Adriel tensed up before slowly letting go of Legolas's hand and wrapping her arms around Eowyn's torso tightly, numbness flooded through the Witch's veins. A silent tear rolled down Adriel's cheek as she watched Theoden walk up the stone stairs, his eyes locking with hers.

Eowyn led Legolas, Gimli and Adriel to a small room. The space was illuminated by a few dying candles beside the singular bed, casting a flickering orange glow across the room.

"Wash up and get some rest," Eowyn said softly as the trio walked past her into the room. Adriel turned to her and offered her a sad smile.

"Thank you," she murmured. Eowyn returned the sad smile as she nodded and closed the heavy wooden door. Adriel sat on the bed and slowly took off her weapons, cleaning the dried blood from them as she placed them next to her on the end of the bed.

"I guess I get the cot," Gimli huffed as he tossed his axe onto the makeshift bed that was in the corner of the room.

"Unless you want to cuddle with Legolas," Adriel quipped in a quiet tone as she looked up to the Dwarf from where she sat on the bed. A big grin worked its way onto his face as he slowly started to laugh, Adriel smiled back at him before returning to cleaning the dried Orc blood from her dagger.

"You should go wash the blood off of yourself Adriel," Legolas calmly said as he crouched in front of her, gently bringing his hand up to Adriel's cheek. She closed her eyes as his thumb ran over her dirty skin, tears pricked Adriel's eyes. In one swift motion she stood and moved past the elf silently.

"I'm weak, I should not be acting like this," Adriel scolded herself as she hurried away from Legolas who was still crouched beside the bed. Though in her long life she had witness more death than most her age it never got easier for the Witch, it always cut deep.

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