The begining - Finally edited 😌

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Chapter 1 - The beginning

It's an ordinary morning for all the disciples in Yunmeng Jiang Sect but something didn't feel right, yes something definitely wasn't right....for the Yunmeng Jiang Sect's disciples hearing their sect leader Jiang's angry and irritated voice was the new normal for them, no one knew knew why but day by day sect leader Jiang got more and more irritated quite often, it's not a new thing but it wasn't always this bad. Well you couldn't blame the man because he had so many things to do for 2 big sects; Yunmeng Jiang Sect and Lanling Jin Sect and his nephew Jin Ling must've been giving him a hard time.

"JIN LING YOU BETTER COME BACK!!" Jiang Cheng yelled in this peaceful morning at the Lanling Jin sect.

"NO I AM NOT GOING TO THAT BORING PLACE TO STUDY!!" Jin Ling replied to his screaming uncle..

"Fine then, do as you wish but you leave me with no choice." Jiang Cheng firmly stated then after motioned for Fairy to come to him, Jin Ling stopped to look back at his spiritual dog that looked so innocent in Jiang Cheng's arms, he wanted to continue walking but looking back at his uncle's face left him anxious as he saw a small but visible grin. Just what exactly is he trying to do? He thought over and over again until his uncle finally said something.

"Jin Ling I know how much Fairy means to you," Jiang Cheng started.


"So my thought is that you agree to go to study at the Gusu Lan Sect and STAY there until you graduate, this is the only way you can keep Fairy with you or else you can say your farewells to your dog right here." Jiang Cheng added with a grin on his face which was horrifying. Jin Ling was in shock, still trying to process everything his uncle said, he didn't have any choice than to agree since Fairy was the only thing he really cared about other than his 1 (2) uncles but for him Fairy was more than just a spiritual dog, it was his only friend, a thing he could go to if he ever felt frustrated or lost.

"Fine! I'll go so leave Fairy out of this! ....please." This was hella frustrating but what could he do? He couldn't just abandon his friend.

"Well then you better start packing since our carriage will arrive in 30 minutes,"

"WHAT?? What do you mean the carriage will arrive in 30 mins, you never said we were leaving today!" Jin ling shouted in a provoked manner.

"Are you dumb? I said we are leaving in 30 mins, you have no choice but to come so go pack up or we can just leave without your things". Jiang Cheng stated in an irritated tone that sounded like he was ready to take out zidian, Jin ling noticed the zidian and hurriedly went inside his room to pack up.

After packing up Jin ling felt really out of the moment, he didn't know what to feel. This was the first time Jin Ling was going somewhere very far away from fairy so he allowed himself to get emotional and teary eyes since nothing made sense at the moment.

After a little while he heard Jiang Cheng yell that the carriage was here and that he had to hurry and come down. He snapped back to reality and picked up his qiankun pouch that had all of his belongings then rushed down stairs.

*Qiankun pouch- A spiritual pouch that can hold all sorts of things no matter its size.

"Hurry", Jiang Cheng said with an angry tone as if someone just did something to him, seeing this Jin Ling glared but nervously retreated his glare, seeing the spark on his uncle's ring. He was glad that Fairy was able to come with him but only for the journey since his uncle decided to not let Fairy stay with him because after all he knew that Jin ling will try to escape with the dog, but wouldn't and couldn't if it was in hold of Jiang Cheng.


They had finally arrived at Cloud Recesses after a long boring journey.

Jiang Cheng was already annoyed by Jin ling blabbering the whole journey but his annoyance didn't get any better as he saw Wei Wuxian and his bodyguard husband Lan Wangji, he always got irritated seeing them, he didn't know why but he just did!

"Jiang CHENG what are you doing here," shouted Wei Wuxian like always, "it's rare seeing you here. Oh, Jin Ling is here too?"

"Hello Senior Wei", Jin ling spoke with a sad tone.

"Why so formal just call me uncle already!"

Jin Ling felt in no need of replying so he went back inside the carriage and let the adults talk.

Lan Wangji could already tell something was wrong with Jin Ling by observing his expression from afar but he felt like he didn't need to bud in their business so he kept quiet; blending in the background like always, and ready to protect his Love from any attacks if there would to be any.

"I'm sending Jin ling here to study since he needs to improve his knowledge if he is going to officially take over the Lanling Jin Sect." Jiang cheng replied to Wei Wuxian's confused and questioning look.

Wei Wuxian was surprised at the fact that Jin ling somehow agreed to this but didn't give it that much of a thought.

All four of them walked upstairs to the main area of Cloud Recesses, Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji gave their goodbyes to Jiang Cheng and Jin ling then went to their room to "sleep". Jiang had calmed down after he saw the couple go out of his sight since their dumb flirting was irratating him a little too much.

He arrived outside a room that looked like an office, before walking in he turned back to tell Jin ling to wait outside the Sect's office so he could fill in some paperworks for his admission.

Jin ling got bored. Very bored. Jiang cheng was taking a really long time so he decided to walk around cloud recesses, it was really quiet; only the sound of him breathing and stepping on things could be heard, he sighed knowing that he would be staying in this boring place for more than a year.

While he was passing rooms of god knows what he came across a room filled with books, thinking it was the library he was going to pass it until he saw a really elegant female like body with long luscious hair sleeping with their head down on the table, the books were scattered on the table. Jin ling got more curious of who this elegant female like person was so he tiptoed inside the library, as he got closer his heart started beating, shocked at how his heart suddenly started beating he fell. The person that was sleeping with his head down on the table suddenly woke up to see a young man whose face was flat down on the floor, he was surprised and felt worried for the guy that had just "fallen".

"Are you okay young sir"? Lan sizhui said worriedly.

Jin ling was beyond embarrassed; he had no idea what to do at the spur of the moment so he just kept lying down on the floor covering his face.

"I- uh..." Jin ling didn't want to talk so he just gave a thumbs up.

"Do you need my help?" Sizhui asked.

" so um can you leave me alone," he asked, embarrassed of what had just happened.

"Are you sure you don't need my help?"

"Yes yes I am sure so please leave..."

"Ok then." Lan sizhui replied as he knew that whoever this young man was, he must be feeling embarrassed so he left the library pavilion as soon as possible with his things.

Jin ling felt the presence of no one so he got up and hurried back to the office knowing that his uncle must be madly looking for him, he was sad that he couldn't get to see that person's face and he felt like he won't see him anymore since Jin ling really can't remember things properly. Jin ling went back irritated and grumpily.

Au- Uhh I really don't think anyone made it to this point but if anyone did thank you so much :) please give me feedback on my stupid writing and please tell me if I should continue

Update- May 14 2021, thank you for reading, can't believe this has made this far

LAST TIME I CHECKED I WAS STRAIGHT!!! Zhuling ffWhere stories live. Discover now