The end is a start of a new story :)

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Morning came by, the sun filled up the inn waking everyone up.

Knocks were heard on the doors of Jin ling and Sizhui's room.
"Hellooo, you two gonna wake up or not?"
Wei Wuxian was somehow awake this early shining bright as ever and now he was trying to wake up the juniors, a bit shocking that he woke up before them, guess he's getting used to his husband's sleeping routine.

Hugging tightly, holding each other's body and lost in oblivion were Jin ling and Sizhui, they got too tired and both passed out almost naked, great thing that they decided to lock the door before sleeping.
After a few minutes of knocking Sizhui gains conscious.
"Senior Wei, we will be out there in 10 minutes."
"Ah ok" with that Wei Wuxian goes to wake up the other 2 sleeping juniors.
Sudden silence filled the room and Sizhui kept staring at a blank wall thinking about last night. Just remembering a little made him flush like a tomato.

"Sizhui..?" Jin ling said in a gentle voice which was rare, Sizhui found himself in awe listening to Jin ling say his name like this.
"Yes?" Sizhui replied.
"Good morning" he greeted Sizhui with such a gentle smile brighter than the sun.
Sizhui leaned in closer to Jin ling's face for a kiss on the forehead.
"Good morning :)" he replied back. "We should get up soon, we have to return for classes"
With that they freshen upped and went outside to meet the others.
"Ah you guys finally woke up"  Wei Wuxian said yawning.
"What took you both so long, you shouldn't make other people late!!" Jingyi shouted at Jin ling.
"Pfft I guess someone's cranky today" Jin ling replied with a mocking tone.
"Am not!"
"Okok calm down both of you" Zizhen touched Jingyi's shoulder as a sign for him to stop and surprisingly Jingyi stopped with a hmph.

The empty streets were now starting to get crowded with people opening up shops everywhere, some people were drunk for some reason and there were kids now running around the streets playing games, it was now loud yet still there was a silence between the 6 men.  Wei Wuxian breaking the silence, "you guys wanna eat that?" He points at a small dumpling cart.

The juniors all replied with a yes and so Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji went to buy some.
After a whole 3 minute they returned with the dumplings and handed them out to each one of them. While Wei Wuxian was handing them out he noticed something.
"Sizhui what's that on your neck dear?"
Jin ling turned to look at what Wei Wuxian was pointing at, and suddenly turned red.
"Oh th-this? It's just a mosquito bite."
"Oh ok I see, cause I noticed Jin ling also has some" Wei Wuxian says with a smirk pointing at Jin ling's neck.

"Oh really mosquito bites? Pfft I wonder why your room only had them." Jingyi took this as the perfect chance to tease.
"Now now don't start fighting again" Wei Wuxian knew what those marks were and so he whispered to his husband who has been just standing there like a rock the whole time.
"See Lan Zhan, there're all grown up now"
Lan Wangji kinda didn't care but all he thought was if Jin ling was ever to hurt Sizhui then he would show him no mercy whatsoever, exactly thinking like a protective dad.

After 3 hours they had finally came back to cloud recesses, Lan Xichen greeted his brother and his spouse, "Ah brother Xichen how have you been?" Wei Wuxian asked.  "Good, thank you for asking"  he replied.

With that the seniors went inside to give a report about the mission and the juniors went to their rooms since they had 30 minutes before their next class.

"That was exhausting" Jin ling said as he jumped to his new added bed.
"I just wanna sleep again now"
Sizhui was getting his books ready as Jin ling was talking.
"Sizhuiiii come here and hug me" Jin ling said as he patted the bed.
Sizhui stopped and accidentally dropped his book.
"I—" we have class in 20 minutes"
"Just a little bit then" Sizhui agreed but still a little hesitant.
Sizhui and Jin ling embraced each other in a tight hug lying down.
"Ahh this feels nice" Jin ling said with his voice muffled since his face was hugged tight in Sizhui's chest.
"I agree"
"Can't we stay like this forever ah~"
Sizhui giggled.
"We can"
Jin ling pulled himself out of the hug and leaned in closer and gently kissed Sizhui's pink lips.
Sizhui didn't hold back and returned the kiss.
A small kiss turned into a hot and steamy kiss in seconds but Jin ling pulled back again breaking the kiss.
"Why-?" Sizhui asked.
Jin ling teasingly said "we have class in 10 minutes you know?"
"Ah-a yes we do" Sizhui backed off and was about to get off the bed when Jin ling went closer to him and whispered "but we can still continue this at night, I'm not going any where" he whispered with a smirk sending chills down Sizhui.
"Pfft you look so damn cute when you turn red"
"I"- Sizhui whispered back with a blush "you look more cuter"

"What did u say~?"
"Ah-nothing nothing"
"Nono say it againnn"


Well now this is completed :) ima go rewrite the story after but right now Ima focus on school 🤮 BuBye

Stay safe and healthy guys 🙂

LAST TIME I CHECKED I WAS STRAIGHT!!! Zhuling ffWhere stories live. Discover now